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Crassness or Evil? Did Democrat Kentucky Governor, Andy Beshear, Imply a Member of JD Vance’s Family Should be Raped?

Kentucky Governor, Andy Beshear, might have hit an all-time low in political discourse.

Going on MSNBC this morning, Beshear claimed Vance had once referred to impregnation by rape (comments stemming from a 2021 interview) as a mere inconvenience.

To drive his ‘point’ home, Beshear than said, “Make him (Vance) go through this.”

2KUTV reports:

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, on Tuesday reviled a suggestion by Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear that the senator should “go through” pregnancy due to rape.

The Democratic governor’s comments came during an appearance on MSNBC, during which he said Sen. Vance has previously referred to pregnancy due to rape as “inconvenient.” Such a characterization did not sit well with the Bluegrass State leader.

Inconvenience is traffic,” he said. “I mean it is a — make him go through this. It is someone being violated, someone being harmed and then telling them that they don’t have options after that.”

Gov. Beshear was likely referring to a 2021 interview during which then-Senate candidate Vance said society should not view a pregnancy due to rape or incest as “inconvenient.”

“My view on this has been very clear and I think the question betrays a certain presumption that is wrong,” Sen. Vance said in 2021. “It’s not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term, it’s whether a child should be allowed to live, even though the circumstances of that child’s birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem to the society. The question really, to me, is about the baby.”

So Beshear is trying to claim Vance’s use of the word “inconvenient” is, in effect, Vance saying pregancy due to rape is just one of those annoying day-to-day things you have to deal with – you know, ‘like traffic’.

But is this what Vance is really saying?

Or is Beshear purposely fixating on the word “inconvnient” and ignoring the context of Vance’s bigger point – that children should not be murdered because SOCIETY VIEWS them as an inconvenience?

This 2022 Politicat article goes deeper into Vance’s comments:

In the first debate of Ohio’s U.S. Senate race, U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, said Republican challenger J.D. Vance holds a “very extreme position” against abortion.

“J.D., you called rape ‘inconvenient.’ Right?” Ryan said during the Oct. 10 U.S. Senate debate sponsored by Fox 8 News Cleveland. “Rape is not inconvenient. It is a significant tragedy.”

Vance disputed Ryan’s statement.

“First of all, I did not call rape ‘inconvenient,’” Vance said. “Congressman Ryan knows that’s not true.”

We reviewed Vance’s full comments in context and found that what he said in a 2021 interview about rape and abortion was less clear than either candidate suggested during the debate.

Vance did not directly say “rape is inconvenient.” But when he was asked whether laws should allow people to get abortions if they were victims of rape or incest, he suggested that society should not view a pregnancy or birth resulting from rape or incest as “inconvenient.”

It’s pretty clear from the article Vance is using the term “inconvenient” to say society should NOT  view a pregnancy from rape as a mere incovenience.

So while in the MSNBC interview Beshear most likely wasn’t wishing such a horror on a Vance family member…

…he did seize on the word and use it as an excuse to take – at best – an incredibly crass shot at Vance.


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