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Georgia In Play: New Rules From Georgia Election Board Skyrocket Trump’s Odds of Winning the State!

When Biden “won” Georgia in 2020, it pretty much sealed-the-deal on him taking the White House.

And this time around, Georgia is once again a giant prize.

Of course, for President Trump to officially take the state this time around, many believed changes had to be made to ensure the integrity of the voting results.

The great news is it looks like this is happening:


Here’s the new rule up close:


The key points are #4 and #5.

If there’s a discrepancy between the total number of ballots cast and the total number of unique voters, the Election Board will investigate the discrepancy and not count the votes from that precinct until the results of the investigation are presented to the board.

More importantly, if fraud is discovered, the Board shall determine a method to compute the votes justly and report the facts to the district attorney (i.e., there will be arrests made of those who conspired in cheating).

Not surprisingly, the New York Times isn’t happy:

The unelected body that shapes voting rules has a new conservative majority who question the state’s 2020 results. They now have new power to influence the results in 2024.

Since the takeover, the Georgia State Election Board has approved a host of rules on certifications and investigations backed by right-wing election activists who claim, falsely, that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr. Trump. The moves underscore a sharp rightward turn for what is supposed to be an apolitical body and have alarmed Democrats, election officials and even some Republicans.

“Clearly, the Trump allies have learned their lessons from the failure of the attempted coup of 2020, and they’re starting earlier and attempting to burrow more deeply into the most vulnerable pieces of the election system,” said Norm Eisen, a longtime Washington lawyer and chair of the State Democracy Defenders Fund, a nonpartisan election watchdog group.

If there is another chaotic challenge to the election results this November, Georgia is shaping up to be a hot spot, as it was in 2020. Polls show a close race in the state. Trump-aligned election activists there are well organized. Republican county officials have already shown a willingness to adopt practices from the election denial wing of the party. And the state election board will almost certainly be at the center of the dispute.

So according to the NYT – which is evidently still pushing the ‘2020 coup’ hoax – the new rules are simply a way for a Republican controlled board to influnce election results.

Also notice that the NYT doesn’t reveal what any of those rules are.

Could it be because these rules would actually make sense to anyone who wants an honest election?

Per Gateway Pundit:

The Georgia Election Board has voted 3-2 in favor of a new rule mandating that election workers compare the total number of ballots cast with the total number of unique voter ID numbers in the system.

This rule aims to ensure that every vote cast in the state is legitimate and that any discrepancies are thoroughly investigated before election results can be certified.

The new rule, reported by former RNC official and Trump’s spokeswoman Liz Harrington, is set to overhaul how precincts handle election returns.

Under the rule, if discrepancies are found in any precinct—where the number of ballots exceeds the number of unique voter IDs—the counties are required to withhold certification of the election results until the suspected fraud is fully investigated and resolved.


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