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Trump Will Be Shielded With Bulletproof Glass At Outdoor Events

The Secret Service will use bulletproof glass to protect President Trump at outdoor rallies.

According to NBC News, the Secret Service will surround Trump’s podium with ballistic glass when he attends campaign events outdoors.

The bulletproof glass will not be used at every rally but only at locations that offer security concerns.

Bulletproof glass is usually only reserved for sitting presidents, but the Secret Service has made an exception for Trump.

Per CBS News:

The U.S. Secret Service is arranging for former President Donald Trump to resume outdoor campaign rallies a month after a gunman targeted him at a rally in Pennsylvania.

The Secret Service plans to surround Trump’s podium with bulletproof glass, according to two federal law enforcement officials.

While this measure is typically used to protect sitting presidents, the Secret Service is making an exception after the Butler, Pennsylvania, rally on July 13, when the gunman took several shots at Trump, grazing his ear before a Secret Service sniper killed him.

The plan was first set into motion by then-Secret Service director Kim Cheatle in the immediate aftermath of the rally. The Secret Service typically pre-positions personnel around the country in battleground states so they can be within driving distance of campaign rallies, which enables faster transportation of the ballistic glass to events.

The Secret Service declined to comment on its reported plans.

Here’s what NBC News reported:

The Secret Service will use ballistic glass to protect former President Donald Trump so he can resume outdoor campaign events, according to two sources familiar with the planning and a Trump campaign official.

Bulletproof glass of that kind is already available to sitting presidents and vice presidents. It is transported using military aircraft whenever the president travels, but Trump, a candidate and former president, does not have access to such military transportation support. Sources who asked not to be named to discuss sensitive security provisions said the ballistic glass will now be positioned around the country and moved in by agents who will be responsible for guarding it.

Not every outdoor event will require ballistic glass, but to better protect Trump, it is likely to be used whenever there are issues at specific sites or there are needs for added security.

It is one of several security measures previously used only for officeholders but that are now being added to Trump’s protection after a failed assassination attempt, one of the officials said.


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