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Over the Target: President Trump Predicts Economic Crash if Kamala Harris is Elected

While Kamala Harris is dancing, laughing, and hiding from tough questions, the economy under still-“President” Biden is a dumpster fire.

And sure, Harris has largely been an absentee Vice President – but she supported “Bidenomics” and voted for it in the Senate.

So she gets the blame too.

The good news is President Trump is now taking aim:

The New York Post reports:

The 45th president hosted an almost two-hour speech and press conference in Bedminster, New Jersey. The tables were filled with cans of food, meat, milk and cereal, highlighting how much groceries have skyrocketed since Harris became vice president.

Trump said that meat, poultry and fish are up 23%, children’s food is up by 24.1%, baking goods by 27.2% and cereal and bakery goods have gone up 26% under the Biden-Harris administration.

He predicted that an economic crash will happen if Harris is elected in November, blasted her for wanting to take away his tax cuts and claimed she wants to end private health care in favor of a “Communist system.”

Trump noted that the economy was in better shape when he was in office, and asserted that Harris has a “Communist lean.”

Taking away the Trump tax cuts and ending private health care?

Does that sound like someone who cares about our economic well-being OR personal health?

And while those rising cost numbers might not mean much to the elites who support Harris, to ‘every-day-Americans’ they are backbreaking.

The NY Post article then goes on to quote President Trump’s plans to revive the American economy: “So when I win, I will immediately bring prices down, starting on day one. We will end Kamala’s war on American energy, and we will drill baby drill. We’re going to drill, baby drill that’s going to bring down prices of everything, because energy brought it up.”

Watch here to see everything President Trump offers which Kamala does not:



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