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Female Secret Service Agent Reportedly Abandoned Post During North Carolina Rally!

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is possibly the most dangerous internal threat to America.

And the failings we have witnessed of the Secret Service since the attempted assassination of President Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, is Exhibt A.

Now this happens yesterday at Trump’s North Carolina rally:

Newsweek reports:

The Secret Service is investigating a report that says an agent left her post at a Trump event to breastfeed.

In a statement shared with Newsweek on Thursday, Secret Service’s chief of communications, Anthony Guglielmi, said, “All employees of the U.S. Secret Service are held to the highest standards. While there was no impact to the North Carolina event, the specifics of this incident are being examined. Given this is a personnel matter, we are not in a position to comment further.”

The remarks come after RealClearPolitics correspondent Susan Crabtree said that a female Secret Service agent abandoned her post at former President Donald Trump‘s Wednesday campaign rally in Asheville, North Carolina, “to breastfeed with no permission/warning to the event site agent.”

“The site agent went to do one final sweep of the walking route and found the agent breast-feeding her child in a room that is supposed to be set aside for important Secret Service official work, i.e. a potential emergency related to the president,” Crabtree wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

Crabtree noted that a working Secret Service agent on duty is not allowed to bring children to a protective assignment. She said sources told her the agent, who was from the Atlanta Field Office, was accompanied by two other family members.

Notice how Secret Service Chief of Communications, Guglielmi’s comment is more of a deflective statement than anything substantive?

Not to mention, saying “All employees of the U.S. Secret Servie are held to the highest standards” is pretty vague.

I mean, what exactly are those standards?

And how does a female agent reportedly leave her post to go breastfeed her child when it’s forbidden for working Secret Service agents on duty to bring their children to a protective assignment?

Matt Walsh nails it – mothers with young children shouldn’t be in the Secret Service in the first place:

Now, we could say the Secret Service’s embrace of DEI started with former agency director Kimberly Cheatle who vowed to have at least 30% of agents be women by 2030!

Per CBS News:

In an effort to diversify the agency, Cheatle aims to have 30% female recruits by 2030. Part of that effort has included allowing YouTube influencer Michelle Khare to train with agents.

“I’m very conscious as I sit in this chair now, of making sure that we need to attract diverse candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to everybody in our workforce, and particularly women,” Cheatle said.

But how did a person whose previous executive experience soley consisted of working as senior director of global security at PepsiCo (2019 -2022) become the head of our nation’s most critical security team in the first place?

I think we know the answer.


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