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Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar Won Reelection – BUT Why Was Her District Delaying The Results?

It’s election night over in Minnesota.

And Rep Ilhan Omar took the win.

But did she literally take it?

Let’s take a look to see how it all went down.

First, let’s look at the rate the votes were counted:

Here she is celebrating.

Something odd seems to be occurring.

The Gateway Pundit reports:

According to her opponent, Don Samuels, “In her 6-year tenure, only two bills she’s written and sponsored have become law – both renamed post offices. She can’t run on her achievements, so she has to use fear to win.”

Earlier, the primary election in Minnesota has taken a dramatic turn as social media explodes with questions about the conspicuous delay in reporting results from the state’s 5th Congressional District, home of one of the squad members of Congress, Ilhan Omar. As the minutes tick by, speculation is running wild about what might be causing this unexpected hold-up.

Polling places across the state opened at 7 a.m. and remained open until 8 p.m., with every eligible voter in line by the cutoff guaranteed their chance to cast a ballot.

Yet, more than an hour after the polls closed, every district except Omar’s had already reported their initial results.

The absence of any updates from the 5th District has only fueled suspicions and questions about the integrity of the process.

Finally, after an agonizing one hour and ten minutes, NBC News broke the silence with a minor update: Ilhan Omar was reportedly ahead by a razor-thin margin of just 188 votes.


Look at this timeline:

EndWokeness adds:

But wait, it gets even stranger.

No other districts are anywhere close to the 99% that Omar’s district is at.

MN-1 is at 40% counted.

MN-2 is at 62% counted.

MN-4 is at 18% counted.

MN-6 is at 39% counted.

MN-7 is at 40% counted.

MN-8 is at 63% counted.

MN-3 is 0% (uncontested).

MN-5 was stuck at 0% for an hour.

The other districts were all counting.

Looks like this anti-White woman has won, fair and square, right?


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