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FLASHBACK: Police And National Guard Enforce Curfew In 2020 By Shooting Paintballs At Residents After Tim Walz Order, “Light Them Up”

At the height of COVID insanity and the George Floyd riots in 2020, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz deployed the National Guard to enforce a curfew against Minneapolis residents.

Video footage from May 2020 showing police officers and National Guard forces shooting paintballs at residents standing on their porch is sweeping social media.

“Go on. Go inside,” police shouted at residents.

“Get in your house now. Let’s go,” they continued.

“Light them up,” one yelled.

Police officers proceeded to shoot paintballs at the residents watching from their porch.


“Share widely: National guard and MPD sweeping our residential street. Shooting paint canisters at us on our own front porch. Yelling ‘light em up,’” Tanya Kerssen wrote in May 2020.

“Whittier neighborhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota,” she added.

Independent reported at the time:

Police officers and National Guard forces in Minneapolis shot paintballs at residents standing outside on their porch, as a curfew was enforced throughout the city.

A video posted on Twitter on Saturday night appears to show the Minnesota National Guard and state police ordering the residents of one street to go inside, before they turn their weapons on a group of residents.

The footage captures people rushing inside the property after shots are fired and shows where one member of the public has been hit by a paintball.

Armed officers can be heard shouting “light ‘em up” before the shots start.

At around the time of the shooting on Saturday, an 8pm curfew was implemented in Minneapolis, the city where protests started after the death of George Floyd on 25 May.

Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota, said that the National Guard will be fully mobilised. The number on duty in the city will rise from more than 4,000 to almost 11,000.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at 100 Percent Fed Up.

View the original article here.


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