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BLASPHEMY Against Allah Now Illegal? 62-Year-Old Man Imprisoned

It’s becoming more and more obvious that ‘England has fallen’ as they saw.

In reality, it’s just the Establishment flexing their strength.

They’re not hiding it anymore, where their allegiance lies.

And it’s certainly not for the country they’re ruling in.

For today’s example we have an older gentlemen that said something against ‘Allah’.

That revealed real quick that blasphemy is against the law, that is, if it’s blasphemy against Allah and Islam.

Local Guardian reports:

A 61-year-old man made threatening gestures at police and chanted “who the f*** is Allah” during large-scale disorder in Whitehall has been jailed for 18 months.

David Spring, of Longfellow Road in Sutton, was part of a group who confronted police officers during a gathering of around 700 people near Downing Street on July 31.

Prosecutor Alexander Agbamu said: “Daniel Thomas, also known as Danny Tommo in some circles, organised a demonstration in Whitehall.

He said protesters broke out of an enclosed area of Richmond Terrace and towards Whitehall, directing their anger towards police officers.

Spring’s role in the disorder was shown on CCTV in court where he was seen making threatening and hostile gestures towards police, calling officers “c****” and joining in chants of “you’re not English anymore” and “who the f*** is Allah”.

Recently retired, he now spends a lot of time for his wife, who has suffered ill-health. 

Meanwhile they also reported that in Leicester Square….

A man has been charged after an 11-year-old girl was stabbed in Leicester Square.

Ioan Pintaru, 32, of no fixed address was charged with attempted murder and possession of a bladed article.

An 11-year-old girl was found with stab wounds.

She was taken to hospital where her injuries, while serious, were assessed as non-life threatening.

And if you hold up a Union Jack flag…you’ll get a talking to by a local bobby.

Can’t be upsetting the local Muslims, can we?

They seem to forget that Islam is not a race.


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