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OLYMPICS Closing Ceremony: A Celebration Of Lucifer In a Witches’ Circle?

The closing ceremonies of the Paris Olympics looked like a scene from an 80’s sci-fi horror film.

And to kick it off, let’s look at the poster for the closing ceremony.

Seems like a poster for a sci-fi film.

Notice the gold man falling amidst a dark world.

“I watched Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” – Luke 10:18

By the way, did you notice the 666 during the opening ceremony?

There were three groups of 6 lights hanging over that table:



During the closing ceremony, a character named “Golden Voyager” appeared.

Is this who was represented on the poster?

So would this character represent Satan?

Alex Jones said on X that it “;ooks to me like a representation of a interdimensional invasion through the CERN collider.”

Olympics claim it’s partly inspired by The Génie de la Liberté, allegedly created in 1836.

NBC News reports:

The character was inspired by a number of references from France’s historical heritage, starting with the Spirit of the Bastille, according to the creators. It also references “The Génie de la Liberté,” also called the Génie de la Bastille, is a bronze gilded statue cast in 1836 by Auguste Dumont. This allegorical statue represents Liberty and surmounts the July Column, located in the center of the Place de la Bastille in Paris.

It was meant to evoke creatures from science fiction and video games.


Why would a sporting event “evoke” science fiction and video games?

Here’s the statue The Génie de la Liberté that “inspired” it:

That’s a far cry from the skull looking monstrosity.

Curious that it occurred within a circle.

Probably a coincidence?

You know what else the Olympics needs?

People that look like mummies.

You know, representing the living dead.

What’s more fitting than that?


There’s two theories about who or what the ‘grey people ‘represent.

One theory is that they would seem to represent humanity as a whole, all mixed together (What color do you get when you mix white & black?)

Because a mixed-race person is less likely to be nationalistic. And we see non-stop promotion of mixed race couples. Think it’s a coincidence?

Satan wants a one world government and needs all the people of the earth to be a blended race that rejects nationalism and borders.

Another theory is that it represents the ‘greys’. A type of ‘alien’, though aliens are technically inter-dimensional beings, and are most likely fallen spirits, pretending to be from some other planet.

Alex Jones even mentioned that word.

How many ‘alien’ sightings have their been since the 1940’s?


Since the 1940s, it’s estimated that there have been hundreds of thousands of UFO and alien sightings reported worldwide.

Is Earth a pitstop for aliens?

Are we Coruscant, the city planet from Star Wars?

Shouldn’t we spot the non-stop coming and going of space ships?

If space is as vast as they say, finding Earth would be harder to find than a needle in a country covered in haystacks.

And the government agency, NASA, claims Earth is ever spinning and shooting through space, at a speed of 67,100 mph. 

So how do 100,000’s of aliens keep finding Earth?

And arriving unseen?

Doesn’t add up.

But the creatures themselves do keep appearing.

And reports constantly say they saw the UFO “vanish”, not “we saw it zip back into outer space, like it was fleeing our world”. That’s never the case.

Inter-dimensional beings.

And the one who created the closing ceremony routine…

You can watch the full creepy performance here. YT won’t allow it to be added to this article.


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