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Kamala Promises To Be Tougher on Immigration, You Believe Her?

You heard her at the rally.

Kamala Harris is going to ensure that the border is dealt with.

Just as soon as she gets into a position of power to deal with it.

Man, I can’t wait til she’s able to get into the White House to do something.

That’ll be something, wouldn’t it?

She’d finally be able to walk down the halls of that historic building and use her position to turn this country around.

If only she were in that White House now.

And here’s her new ad on the subject:

When she was Vice President, and by ‘when’ I mean NOW, immigration has never been worse.

But don’t let the facts fool you.

There’s no one tougher on immigration that Kamala.

And by tougher, I mean, she makes sure they have $13,000 in food stamps.

You know where the real problem lies?

With ICE!

According to her:


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