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CASTING CALL NEEDED FOR MON & TUES: Do You Want To Play The Role of A Real Person?

You read that right.

You’re needed.

But this won’t be easy.

You’re needed to play the part of a real living human being.

Think you’ve got what it takes?

The catch is, you’ve got to pretend to be a bonafide, Kamala-loving, Democrat.

I know.

I told you it wouldn’t be easy.

And since a bonafide, Kamala-loving Democrat is a rare species indeed, the Democrats have resorted to hiring people to play that part for an upcoming event.

See for yourselves.

“Aug 12, 2024 / Aug. 13, 2024”



“You are being cast as a real person..” I don’t know why I find that so funny.

Wait, did that say $225?

You know, I’ve always said that Kamala is just what this country needs.


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