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Trump Makes Emergency Landing on Way to Montana Rally

En route to his rally, President Trump’s plane had a mechanical issue.

So instead of arriving at his destination of Bozeman, Montana, they were forced to land in Billings, Montana.

Luckily the emergency landing safely touched down.

No one was hurt and it turns out that Trump just might make be able to make it to his Bozeman rally.

Fox News reports:

President Trump’s plane was diverted to Billings, Montana, on Friday due to a mechanical issue, a Billings airport official said.

The Republican presidential nominee is scheduled to hold a rally in nearby Bozeman, Montana, Friday evening, and is still expected to make it.

“I just landed in a really beautiful place: Montana. So beautiful, flying over and you just look down and that’s the way it’s supposed to be,” Trump said in a video from his plane posted to social media, making no mention of any plane issues or of the diversion. “I’m here to do some fundraisers and most important to support Tim Sheehy who’se running for the U.S. Senate and we think he’s going to do really well. We’re going to have a rally. And it’ll be a lot of fun.”

Let’s keep our President in our prayers.


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