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PARIS OLYMPICS: “Zero Evidence on What Is A Woman, Chromosomes Don’t Matter”

It seems every day there is a secret competition between Disney, Harley Davidson (most of corporate America and Hollywood, really) and the Paris Olympics.

And what are they competing for?

Apparently to see who can be the most woke.

So for today’s entry we have the President of the International Olympic Committee, Thomas Bach.

What will he do as he tries to win the gold for today’s woke competition?

He’ll go on record and state ‘we have no science to determine a what a man or woman is.’

Is that the best you got, Bach?

Disney will probably beat you by dinner time. And your stumbling over your words will cost you half a point.

I award him 7.5 out of 10 woke points.

National Review reports:

The president of the Olympics’s governing body no longer believes in basic human biology when it comes to determining a person’s biological sex, a testament to the influence of progressive gender ideology across many major institutions.

International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach suggested during a press conference Friday that identifying people’s biological sex based on their chromosomes is outdated. His comments came in response to a question about the recent controversy over two boxers competing in the women’s division after failing sex-identification tests administered by an outside sports body last year.

“This is not a question of inclusion…this is a question of justice,” Bach said in response to a question about whether inclusion is being prioritized over women’s safety. He cast doubt on the results of the International Boxing Association test that resulted in the disqualification of Algerian boxer Imane Khelif and Taiwanese boxer Lin Yu Ting ahead of the world boxing championships last year.

“It is not as easy as some may, in this culture war, may now want to portray it, that the XX or the XY is the clear distinction between the men and women. This is scientifically not true anymore, and therefore these two are women and they have the right to participate in the women’s competition,” Bach added.

“A person’s sex category is not assigned based on genetics alone and aspects of a person’s biology can be altered when they pursue gender-affirming medical care,” the guidelines say, euphemistically referring to life-altering transgender medical procedures.

Here’s the full question that Bach received:


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