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Trump Responds To Kamala Picking Gov. Tim Walz As Running Mate

President Trump has released a response to Kamala Harris, who picked Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota as her running mate.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump wrote, “THANK YOU!”

Take a look:

Many conservative political commentators believed Shapiro was more of a threat to Trump than Walz.

Here’s what Mike Cernovich shared:

Gov. Walz’s record as a governor is now being brought to light.

Per The Daily Mail:

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz faces new scrutiny on how he handled the George Floyd riots, as Vice President Kamala Harris has selected him as her running mate for the 2024 election.

Protests of George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police in May 2020 soon escalated into violence, as rioters burned and looted businesses in the Twin Cities.

Walz resisted sending in the National Guard to address the escalating violence in the city for three days but ultimately chose to do so after receiving heavy criticism from residents for allowing the city to burn after rioters overwhelmed the state and local police force.

At the time, Walz argued that calling up the National Guard to enforce order would only incite further rioting, and suggested that protesters needed the space to express their outrage.

Walz’s past DUI arrest is also being brought up:


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