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Strategic Blunder? Kamala Goes Hard Left With Walz Pick

With Pennsylvania being the biggest electoral prize of the “swing” states, Kamala’s pulled a bit of a stunner by not choosing PA Governor Josh Shapiro and instead selecting…

…Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

For starters, winning Pennsylvania’s 19 electoral votes (versus Minnesota’s 10 votes) is President Trump’s clearest path to returning to the White House – while Harris desperately needs it to have any chance of victory. But…

…its Walz’s intensely left-wing record which could really sink her with suburban Repulican voters who aren’t crazy about President Trump, Independents, and even centrist Democrat voters.

Watch as Nancy Pelosi goes into spin-mode trying to present Walz as a ‘moderate’:

Afterall, a big purpose of choosing a running-mate is to bring some perceived balance to the ticket – not exactly something Walz brings to the table:

And Harris/Walz could very well be the nightmare ticket for Jewish voters:

EVEN election analyst/Democrat cheerleader, Nate Silver, doesn’t like the Walz Pick:

Oh, but look who is happy about Kamala’s choice:

With this election being the most critical in our nation’s history, let’s hope Kamala keeps shooting herself in the foot.


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