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Flashback: Gov. Tim Walz Was Previously Arrested For DUI

Democratic Vice President presumptive nominee Governor Tim Walz’s prior DUI arrest is coming back to bite him.

According to the Daily Mail, Walz was arrested in Nebraska in 1995 for Driving Under the Influence.

According to court records, “was caught on police radar driving his silver Mazda 96 mph in a 55 zone just before midnight Sept. 23, 1995.”

After the officer smelt alcohol on Walz, he was issued a field sobriety test and submitted to a breath test, which he failed.

Walz’s charges were later dropped adter receiving a plea deal that found him guilty of a single count of reckless driving.

During his 2006 run for congressional office, Walz denied the claims he was drunk.

Here’s what The Daily Mail reported:

Tim Walz was arrested and booked for Driving Under the Influence in Nebraska in 1995.

The progressive Minnesota Governor, chosen on Tuesday as Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, no longer drinks alcohol or coffee.

While he was initially charged with driving under the influence and speeding, Walz struck a plea deal where the charges were reduced to a single count of reckless driving.

The incident reemerged during his first run for congressional office in 2006, sparking a campaign manager to dismiss the charge and claim that Walz was not ‘not drunk.’ They ‘attributed the misunderstanding to Walz’s deafness.’

An image reportedly of Walz’s mugshot is making its rounds on conservative social media in an attempt to smear the new Democratic VP pick.

The governor is a huge fan of Diet Mountain Dew, but he doesn’t drink coffee and quit consuming alcohol some time after the Nebraska arrest.

Per The New York Post:

Kamala Harris’ freshly minted veep pick, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, was once arrested for drunk driving after he was pulled over for driving more than 40 mph above the speed limit.

Walz, 60, who was 31 at the time and working as a teacher in Alliance, Neb., was caught on police radar driving his silver Mazda 96 mph in a 55 zone just before midnight Sept. 23, 1995.

When the trooper approached his window, he detected “a strong odor of alcoholic beverage” emanating from the vehicle, court documents show.

After flunking a field sobriety test, he submitted to a breath test, which pegged his blood-alcohol level at 0.128%, well above the state’s legal limit of 0.08%.

Walz was arrested and taken to Dawes County Jail. He was given a blood test, but those results could not be immediately confirmed.


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