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Far-Left “Squad” Members Hit with Class-Action Lawsuit

Several members of the leftist, Democrat “Squad” in Congress are now facing legal trouble over their support of the anti-Israel protests and pro-Palestine encampments at Columbia University.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Illhan Omar, and Jamaal Bowman are being accused of “inciting and encouraging” a climate of fear and harassment for Jewish students during the height of the, sometimes violent, protests earlier this year.

Five anonymous Columbia University students are behind the lawsuit. They say that the “Squad” members along with dozens of other leftist groups helped incite the riots and bullying against them.

More details from The New York Post:

Lefty “Squad” Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jamaal Bowman and Ilhan Omar have been slapped with a class-action lawsuit for “inciting and encouraging” the anti-Israel encampment and protests at Columbia University earlier this year.

The trio of radical Democrats were among the “outside champions” who also slammed law enforcement for breaking up the hateful demonstrations — which included masked protesters taking over a campus quad, chanting “Free Palestine!” and burning an Israeli flag and throwing rocks — resulting in the violent April 30 takeover of the school’s Hamilton Hall, according to court papers.

“If any kid is hurt tonight, responsibility will fall on the mayor and univ presidents,” AOC wrote on X April 30, adding, “a nightmare in the making.”

Five anonymous students filed the legal action against at least a dozen groups, including the virulent anti-Israel Within Our Lifetime, as well as AOC, Bowman, Omar — whose college-student daughter Isra Hirsi attends Barnard University and was arrested at the Columbia encampment.

“The Gaza Encampment was extreme and outrageous conduct. It was illegal. It violated university rules. Its occupants harassed, followed, physically blocked, intimidated, and bullied Jewish students,” the students said in the litigation.

The encampment and their cheerleaders “not only consciously disregarded the rights of others, but the impact on the rights of others was the point of the protest: the more disruption [they] could cause for the University and the [students], the more leverage they thought they would have for their agenda,” according to the lawsuit.

Two of the five student plaintiffs are Jewish. All said they were too frightened by the violent protesters’ words and actions to reveal their names.

Fox News added:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and other members of the far-left “Squad” are facing a class action lawsuit alleging that they incited and encouraged anti-Israel protests and encampments at Columbia University earlier this year.

Five students filed the lawsuit anonymously, naming Ocasio-Cortez and Democratic Reps. Jamal Bowman of New York and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. The lawsuit also names roughly a dozen anti-Israel organizing groups.

“The Gaza Encampment was extreme and outrageous conduct. It was illegal. It violated university rules. Its occupants harassed, followed, physically blocked, intimidated, and bullied Jewish students,” the lawsuit reads.

Two of the five students behind the lawsuit are Jewish. One of them, identified only as “Tim Doe,” spoke about his experience with the New York Post.

“During the protests, I witnessed numerous offensive and antisemitic signs and messages, including antisemitic skunk posters with the Star of David,” he told The Post.

“In one instance, I was walking with my non-Jewish friends when I was singled out because I was wearing my yarmulke. A leader of the pro-Palestinian protest approached our group and confronted me. He singled me out, yelling that I needed to move, and when I refused, he began to shove me out of the way,” he added.


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