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Another Clinton Eyeing A Spot In A Potential Harris Administration?

When it comes to the Clintons, they just won’t seem to go away.

Every time we think we’ve seen the last of them, they pop back up.

Bill and Hillary Clinton immediately came out in support of Kamala Harris as the democrat nominee for president.

Could it be that Hillary is just excited for the possibility that Harris could do what she couldn’t?

Alternatively, could some kind of a deal have been made if Harris did become president?

Sources close to the Clintons claim that Bill and Hillary’s daughter Chelsea is hoping for the position of ambassador to the UK or France if Harris is installed as president.

Could Chelsea Clinton be gearing up to takeover where Hillary left off?

The New York Post broke the story:

Chelsea Clinton has eyes on an ambassadorship if Kamala Harris becomes president, according to sources.

“Chelsea really wants to be the ambassador to the UK,” said a Clinton source. “There’s a reason why Bill and Hillary came out in the first five minutes to support Kamala’s presidential bid — they were currying favor.”

The source said the Clintons have been “working on this idea for a long time.”

The former first daughter, who is vice chair of the Clinton Foundation, would also love a gig in France, the source said.

“I can well imagine that the UK ambassadorship is an aspiration for Chelsea, although she is a bit junior still — and London usually goes to a massive donor or fundraiser,” a longtime British embassy official, now based in London, told The Post.

The reaction on ‘X’ was swift:

According to the sources, the Clintons have been working on this strategic move for a long time.

When it involves the Clintons, the question of motive is always paramount.

What is it they have to gain?

According to Mike Benz, the Executive Director for Foundation For Freedom Online, this position could put Chelsea Clinton in charge of much more than just diplomatic matters.

Chelsea has dipped her toes in the waters so to speak in regards to the world stage of politics.

She was quick to join an initiative with the Word Health Organization to combat “vaccine hesitancy” last year.

She also partook in the “Women for Harris” Zoom call to help drum up support for the new presidential nominee:

The Washington Examiner reported on that:

Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, joined a “Women for Harris” Zoom call on Monday night to rally voters and fundraise for Vice President Kamala Harris ahead of the 2024 election.

Clinton said she is confident that Harris is “uniquely positioned” to prosecute the “case against Donald Trump for all of the unique dangers that he poses” to the country.

“Unlike 2016, Donald Trump is not theoretical,” Clinton said. “We now have a record that he can hold him to account for and we have an extraordinary candidate in Vice President Harris.”

I suppose we’ll find out soon enough what the younger Clinton’s political aspirations look like.

Let’s hope she’s not half as bad as her mother is…


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