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OLYMPICS: Female Boxer, Angela Carini, Beat By a Man, Then SEXUALLY ASSAULTED?!

The Paris Olympics has to be, hands down, the absolute worst one in the history of the Olympics.

It starts off with blasphemy.

Then we have a guy beating up on a girl.

Now, a lot of us are saying these women should refuse to compete against these men.

Why are they continuing to play along in a system that is against them?

And so, Italian boxer Angela Carini had her dreams dashed on the world’s stage as she forfeited the fight after receiving a hard punch to the face.

46 seconds was all it took to realize this was NOT a fair fight.

“I’ve never been hit that hard before in my life.”

And then there’s the SEXUAL assault.

A clear GROPING that he hoped would fly under the radar!



it gets better…

I just came across a quote as I was researching this story.

This woman is now DEFENDING this man?!

And that’s why this will continue.

Let them beat you?

Let them grope you?

Women in sports will lose our support and our sympathy if they keep going along with this.

Fox News reports:

Italian boxer Angela Carini spoke out Friday about her match against Algerian Imane Khelif, who is one of two people involved in a gender controversy at the Paris Olympics.

Carini abandoned her match against Khelif about 46 seconds into their matchup. Carini was punched in the face twice and was heard yelling about the fairness of the fight to her coaches. She was in tears after the match and emotional while talking to reporters about the fight.

On Friday, Carini told Italian newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport that she wanted to “apologize” to Khelif.

“All this controversy makes me sad,” Carini said, via BBC. “I’m sorry for my opponent, too. If the IOC said she can fight, I respect that decision.”

What the heck?!

Any goodwill I felt for her, just DIED with that statement.

Some good news to come out of this:

But if she, and other women, keep accepting this?

They can kiss their dreams, trophies and awards goodbye.

Sports will be Men’s Sports & Men In Lipstick Ponytail Sports.

Sorry, that quote from her just killed the momentum I had to write this article.

I was really going to go all out for her and squeeze the sympathy out of all the readers.

But now…

It’s really sad to see women gaslight to openly accept their defeat.

God help us.


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