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Kamala Harris Accused Of ‘Bullying’ Staff, Leaving Some Afraid To Make Eye Contact

The democrats haven’t done a great job of hiding how incompetent their candidates are.

What they have done is their best to make sure Americans don’t know the darker side of these candidates, specifically in regards to their issues with rage.

They weren’t able to hide Joe Biden’s rage very well as the man often engaged in shouting matches with everyone from reporters to even potential voters.

Kamala Harris, however, has mostly been untested publicly in the same way.

That is partly due to the fact that they’ve hid her away for four years in an attempt to camouflage her flaws.

It also helps that most of the time, Harris just comes off as an incompetent cackling mess.

If you look back at her time as California Attorney General though, you’ll find that there is a history of accusations against Harris for the way she allegedly treated her staff.

One intern even claims he was warned to never make eye contact with Harris.

Beyond that, Harris’ staff has a remarkable turnover rate since joining the Biden Administration.

The New York Post has brought this story back into light:

An unearthed 2019 op-ed from professor Terry McAteer published in California newspaper The Union describes the “eye-opening” month his son Gregory spent as an intern for Harris, now the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

McAteer, a Democrat with generational political ties to the party, claimed his son was subjected to a “side of Kamala Harris which the general public does not know”.

“Harris vocally throws around ‘F-bombs’ and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others,” McAteer wrote.

“As AG… Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, ‘Good Morning General’.

“Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members.”

This falls in line with the fact that Kamala Harris staffers have a huge turnover rate, one that marches to the tune of 92%.

The Gateway Pundit has details on the turnover rate within her staff:

Kamala Harris’s inability to hold onto staff due to her allegedly toxic behavior and accusations of bullying is common knowledge.

Open the Books reports Harris had a 92 percent staff turnover during her first three years. Only four of the initial 71 staffers hired by Harris during her first year in office still remain in a job. The rest either quit or were fired.

One former staffer told the Washington Post, “It’s clear that you’re not working with somebody who is willing to do the prep and the work.”

One of the main claims against Harris is that she was often unprepared for her job, and even unwilling to do the necessary work, which only led to more angry outbursts.

Can you imagine if this woman is installed as the President of the United States?


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