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Kamala Campaign Incompetency: Did the Mayor of Philadelphia Accidentally Reveal Josh Shapiro as the VP pick?

Pennsylvania is the gold medal of the swing states.

Which is why Pennsylvania’s Governor, Josh Shapiro, has become one of the favorites to win the slot as Harris’s running-mate – a selection expected to happen by Monday…

But Philadelphia Mayor, Cherelle Parker, was apparently not interested in waiting that long.

So she posted a video on her Instagram essentially revealing Shapiro as Kamala’s running mate several days BEFORE the information was supposed to be released!

And here’s Fox News’ Jesse Watters on his show tonight reporting that a staffer from Harris’s campaign ‘who is in big trouble’ was supposed to upload the video on Monday, but “he pushed the wrong button” (at the 1:05 mark the video then goes into detail about Shapiro’s severe left-wing history)…

Forgetting about Shapiro, the big takeaway here is this being another example of the incompetency of the Harris campaign.

Yes, this alleged screw-up will be added to gems such as Kamala’s rally without showing supporters (if there were any) behind her:

And her campaign’s failure to successfully work with liberal legacy outlets like CNN who are trying to help her:

Hey, we all know Trump has the advantage of being the infinitely superior candidate and human being…

…but it’s nice to know he has a vastly superior campaign team as well.


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