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“F*** White Women!” Pro-Kamala Black National Coalition Activists EXPOSED

Usually they keep their anti-White thoughts among themselves.

That’s why these leaked moments are so helpful.

They shine a light on what they’re really thinking.

And so we have two of Kamala’s activist, Cora Masters Barry & Melanie Campbell, let slip that they hates Whites.

“Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” – Jesus

“F*** them!” says Cora Masters Barry.

That’s followed up by Melanie Campbell clapping with glee.

There must be abundant amount of hate in her heart against Whites for it to flow out so quickly, right?

New York Post reports:

A pair of black female activists, who have met with Vice President Harris several times and previously vowed to get “real serious” about helping her become the next president, could alienate some of the “White women for Kamala” supporters with their past rhetoric as they mobilize ahead of November’s election.

Cora Masters Barry, an appointee of Democrat D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser and longtime civil rights activist, and Melanie Campbell, who leads the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation, have visited the White House more than 50 times combined during the Biden administration, including nearly a dozen visits with Harris or her staff, a Fox News Digital review found.

Weeks before President Biden and Harris were sworn into office in 2021, Barry and Campbell participated in a public Zoom call in which they made controversial statements about Trump supporters and used an expletive against White voters, specifically White women, which could cause some internal clashes as different coalitions mobilize to try to get Harris into the White House.

Unearthed comments from the two activists could cause some internal tension for the Harris campaign as they look to mobilize different voting blocs and have called for “Unity.”

“We’re sitting here talking about the White women. F–k the white women– excuse me – forget the White women. They’re going to do what the White men tell them to do,” Barry continued, eliciting laughter and clapping from Campbell.

Barry continued, with Campbell reacting affirmatively in the background. “I don’t care nothing about them…”

Barry said it is a “perfect time” to mobilize Black voters and push their agenda “because there’s a lot of White guilt money out there.”

Who wants to tell them that Kamala isn’t even Black?

Do you ever wonder where all this White hatred comes from?

It sure has increased over the last handful of years.

Here’s an interesting collection of anti-White books from Jewish authors:

Remember the AI that replaced White people? Showing our founding fathers as Black, etc?

The media keeps pushing it. Trying to stoke the fires.

Another tactic of the media, is to demonize Whites having babies.

Then using that as an excuse as why we need more migrants:

Whats the result of this constant propaganda?

Hatred and mass violence:

And who could forget a stadium full of people calling for the murder of White people:

“Kill the Boer (White farmers)!”

“Kill the farmers!”

During the same month as that rally…

When is enough enough?

Here’s some rape stats:

This Polish magazine knows and tried to warn with its cover.

Pissed off yet?


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