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CNN Takes A Loss: Shuts Down Another Department

Back in 2022, CNN had to shut down CNN+, their streaming service.

Since then even more readers have abandoned ship.

Which brings up their latest loss.

A moment of silence for CNN’s ‘Opinion’ section.

It was shut down.

I know. It’s an utter shame.

But somehow, we will muster the strength to carry on without hearing them spout their nonsensical propaganda rhetoric ad infinitum.

Though, if we really do miss it, you’ve got the rest of CNN.

Let’s be honest, opinions is what they’re really serving in their ‘reporting’.

Townhall reports:

CNN is pulling the plug on its opinion section this month amid changes at the network.

Some contributors were notified via email that “unfortunately CNN has decided to shut down the opinion section,” with an editor adding, “I hope our paths cross elsewhere!”

A senior executive at the network confirmed the decision to The Hill.

“We did make the decision at the beginning of the month to sunset the opinion vertical on; as a result, we will no longer have a standalone Opinion section,” the executive said, pointing to a more detailed report on Substack by Claire Atkinson.

Seems others share the same feeling about CNN:

Ah, CNN. The counter of Trump’s twitter typos. (which, most if not all, were done on purpose)


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