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Shameful: Women’s Olympic Boxer Forced To Fight Biologically Male Fighter

As if the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremony wasn’t bad enough, now we get this…

On Wednesday, Italian female boxer, Angela Carini, entered the ring to fight Algerian fighter, Imane Khelif, in the 66-kilogram (145 lbs) division.

The obvious problem with the match? Well take a look…

Yep, just 46 seconds into the bout, Khelif’s punches were so painful that Carini went to her corner to quit the match.

And it’s not like Khelif’s true gender was some sort of mystery going into the fight – the Algerian fighter had already been disqualified last year from the 2023 World Boxing Championships after failing gender tests!

Check this out from Fox News

The Algerian Olympian was disqualified from the 2023 World Boxing Championships after the International Boxing Association determined Khelif failed gender tests. According to Reuters, Khelif was found to have elevated levels of testosterone.

IBA President Umar Kremlev explained the decision at the time, according to Russia’s Tass News Agency.

“Based on DNA tests, we identified a number of athletes who tried to trick their colleagues into posing as women. According to the results of the tests, it was proved that they have XY chromosomes. Such athletes were excluded from competition,” Kremlev said.

The International Olympic Committee cleared Khelif to compete and the Algerian Olympic Committee (COA) pushed back on criticism ahead of Thursday’s bout.

So this is it, a new low from the globalist community’s gender insanity – we’ve reached the point where the International Olympic Committee sanctions violence against women as sport…

But here’s the thing, it’s not just that abusive travesties like this are happening…

…but WHY the powers-that-be are allowing it to happen?

And when you’re dealing with the globalist Left, the “why” is always the scariest part.



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