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The No Kings Act: Democrats Try To Stop Trump’s Immunity

Chuck Schumer is stepping up to serve a losing bill that tries to say Trump is acting like a king.

He calls it the No Kings Act.

It’s supposed to erase last month’s ruling that granted Trump some immunity.

Nice try, Chuck. This won’t fly.

Even with over two dozen Democratic sponsors on board, this boat he’s trying to launch is a sinking ship.

They really can’t handle Trump getting a win, can they?

What’s the deal, Chuckie?

Why so desperate to stop Trump?

The Guardian reports:

Chuck Schumer will introduce a bill in the Senate today to declare explicitly that presidents do not have immunity from criminal conduct, overriding last month’s supreme court ruling that Donald Trump has some immunity for his actions as president.

The No Kings Act, which would apply to presidents and vice-presidents, has more than two dozen Democratic co-sponsors.

“Given the dangerous and consequential implications of the court’s ruling, legislation would be the fastest and most efficient method to correcting the grave precedent the Trump ruling presented,” the Senate majority leader said in a statement.

“With this glaring and partisan overreach, Congress has an obligation – and a constitutional authority – to act as a check and balance to the judicial branch.”

The bill would stipulate that Congress, rather than the supreme court, has the authority to determine to whom federal criminal laws are applied.

Sorry, Chuck.

President Trump gets his immunity.


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