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WATCH: Supercut Of The Media’s ‘Weird’ Strategy Against President Trump And JD Vance

As election time draws near, it’s normal to expect a wave of verbal attacks from both sides of the aisle.

However, it doesn’t appear that the democrats have really thought through their strategy as it pertains to attacking President Donald Trump and his running mate, JD Vance.

The democrat-run media’s usual favorite tactic is to resort to obsessively using buzzwords to the point that they become completely meaningless.

Unfortunately, they’re running out of buzzwords.

Therefore, the best attack they have mustered is to try and program Americans to label President Donald Trump and JD Vance as “weird.”

In fact, two major media outlets have used the word over 160 times in just one day…

Check this out:

This is really the best attack plan they can come up with?

CNN and MSNBC are leading the way on this weird new strategy.

According to the Daily Caller, the two media outlets used the word “weird” to describe the Trump/Vance ticket over 160 times on Monday alone:

Corporate news networks have embarked upon a new messaging campaign to paint the Trump-Vance ticket as “weird,” with two networks using the term over 160 times each on Monday alone.

The word gained coinage among Democrats and media outlets, notably CNN and MSNBC, becoming a common attack after President Joe Biden announced the end of his reelection bid and endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris, Time magazine reported. Democratic Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota is credited with starting the trend on a July 23 appearance on “Morning Joe,” according to multiple reports.

Since former President Donald Trump selected Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio as his running mate on July 15 during the first day of the Republican National Convention, interviews and speeches Vance gave prior to winning his Senate campaign resurfaced, including moments where he questioned prominent Democrats who didn’t have children, including Harris, Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg. Vance was labeled “weird” over the resurfaced comments, while Trump’s references to cinematic villain Hannibal Lector and sharks during rallies have been used by Democrats to justify labeling the former President as “weird.”

Are they even trying anymore?

Check out the reaction online to this strategy:


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