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TWO IF BY SEA: Illegal Immigrants Dropped Off by Jet Ski! Where’s Coast Guard?

Strange times indeed.

Especially in California.

And if you’re any where near the coast, like San Diego, be on HIGH alert.

Because the invasion continues and we see them getting dropped off by mysterious characters on jet skis.

Who’s behind this?

Someone needs to follow those jet skis.

Apparently it was time for the Coast Guard’s afternoon nap?


This clip was from the 4th of July:

And this is how they see our White daughters, whether it’s here in the USA or the UK, its always the same:

They’re targeting your kids.

Have you had enough?

Do you not see their intent?

Our enemies are relentless!

They won’t stop unless forced.

So fellow Christians, use your authority and pray them down!

Expose, expose, expose!

Failure and defeat to all their plans!


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