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MUST SEE: President Trump Has EPIC Appearance At National Association of Black Journalists Conference

This is truly a must see….

So many incredible clips!

In case you missed it, President Trump attended the National Association of Black Journalists Conference today in Chicago.

Kamala Harris was also invited to attend and initially said she would before backing out.

Trump went anyway.

I believe the room of people in the audience loved him, but the angry lady interviewing him was beyond rude.

Watch her first question to him, very nasty, to which he points out: “You didn’t even say Hello, how are you?  Such a horrible question.”

And he was 100% right.

Watch here:

Full video player here:

She didn’t even say hello!

Listen as the crowd is with Trump 100%.

Of course that clip reminds me so much of one of the most hilarious Norm Macdonald clips from when he was a guest on Dennis Miller Live.

And yes, I will take any opportunity I can ever find to replay a Norm Macdonald clip.

But tell me if this doesn’t give you the exact same vibes….Norm comes in like a tornado, and it isn’t until 2:31 into the clip when Dennis finally chimes in and says “I haven’t even said hi yet!”

So funny!

But back to President Trump, because he was equally legendary in these clips.

Going toe to toe with this nasty woman and more than holding his own.

The clip getting the most attention is probably this one, where Trump is asked if Harris is a DEI hire.

His response is masterful.

First he asks for a definition of DEI, but then the ultimate rip-kick: he points out that he didn’t know she was black until recently.  Her whole life she was Indian, and now just recently she “turned into a black woman.”

Absolutely incredible segment.

Watch here:

Full video player here:

Just like with comedy, what Trump says WORKS because it’s rooted in truth.

Everything he said there is 100% factual.

And if I were a black journalist in that crowd, I don’t know if I’d be too happy with Kamala Harris trying to claim she’s black (when she’s not) only to pander for votes.

That comes off as very FAKE to me, but what do I know?

Even Steve Deace, who hasn’t always been the biggest Trump supporter, praised him for this appearance, saying he has balls the size of lemons:

Even Kamala herself refused to show up!

She has no leaderhship.

Trump TOUGH is what this country needs.

But perhaps the moment that stole the show is when President Trump apparently steals the angry journo’s water bottle and either tightens or loosens the cap while she’s not looking and then puts it back.

What a legend:

If you want to watch the entire interview (34 minutes) I have it for you right here:

President Trump says he crushed it:

I say?

Crushed it would be an understatement.



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