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Kamala Harris Hints She Will Pick A Democrat Governor As VP

A new report by Axios has revealed Kamala Harris is looking to tag a Democrat Governor as her Vice President.

A new report by Axios revealed that the Harris campaign has urged Wall Street donors to donate as soon as possible due to a financial rule that prevents “contributions to tickets featuring a sitting governor.”

If the new report is proven to be true, then Harris’s VP choice will likely narrow down her choice to Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

Harris is expected to make her pick by August 7.

Per Axios:

The Harris campaign is pressing Wall Street donors to cut their checks as soon as possible, citing a financial rule that bars contributions to tickets featuring a sitting governor, according to people familiar with the matter.

The urgency of the requests has led some donors to conclude that Harris plans to pick a governor — and not a senator, like Mark Kelly of Arizona — to be her running mate.

If the campaign signals are being correctly interpreted, that would narrow the veepstakes down to Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

Some donors in the financial services and investment industry think they have until Sunday to get their contributions in.

Harris told reporters on Tuesday that she has not made a final decision. Kelly is the only senator currently seen as a frontrunner.

Harris plans to barnstorm swing states across the country with her running mate next week, hitting Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, according to the campaign.

Per The Guardian:

Kamala Harris will stage her first campaign rally with her as-yet-unnamed presidential running mate in Philadelphia next Tuesday, a decision that did nothing to dampen speculation that Josh Shapiro, the governor of Pennsylvania, is poised to join the Democratic ticket.

Late on Tuesday, the Harris campaign told Politico the first rally featuring the current vice-president and her own pick for VP would take place on 6 August, noting that an unnamed Harris aide “cautioned against reading too much into the first city chosen for the tour”.

Pennsylvania is the swing state that offers the most electoral votes, and Shapiro is a very popular figure there.

Two other governors – Tim Walz of Minnesota and Andy Beshear of Kentucky – remain under serious consideration. The US senator Mark Kelly of Arizona and Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary, are reportedly on Harris’s shortlist, too.

Major Democratic donors reportedly believe that Harris is set to pick a governor, a belief fueled in part by a federal rule that bars certain Wall Street employees giving to tickets featuring state officials.


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