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3 Girls STABBED TO DEATH, Ignites Righteous Rage in England, MOSQUE in FLAMES


Alice Dasilva Aguiar, 9

Elsie Dot Stancombe, 7

Bebe King, 6

Three little girls sacrificed on the altar of Diversity, stabbed to death by a Rawanda teen.

Its 100% a ‘Hate crime’, as the Left define it. Racially motivated.

But will the authorities acknowledge it as so?

Ten other people were injured, among whom five girls and two adults are in critical condition.

How much more will the people tolerate?

Is it better to hold your daughter’s lifeless body in your arms and say ‘at least I’m not a racist’?

Then to stand up to those who hate your and your offspring with a burning passion and be called racist, by those that hate you?

Want to see a photo of one of the young girls, crawling and covered in blood?

Yeah I didn’t think so. It’s gut-wrenching!

I won’t post it but some might want to look it up on X, and look at the EVIL that has been unleashed under the trojan horse of “TOLERANCE”.

But tolerance has been depleted…

I’m not even going to quote the lying media’s version of the story that they’ll twist, the media that worships these White replacers.

For example, the protests that occurred afterward (seen below) they called “far-right”.

It’s not far-right, it’s citizens that are enraged that their girls were murdered.

So the “far-left” doesn’t care if their daughters die, only “far-right”?

My hatred for journos grows by the day.

And this is the image they use for the story? Not an image of the victims, or the murderer? But ‘Let’s show an image of an angry ‘far-right’ White guy’.

Here’s the basic facts:

Southport, England

-Children attending a Taylor Swift-themed dance party

-Rawanda teen, 17, appears with knife, goes on murder rampage

-3 girls dead

-10 others wounded

-5 girls and 2 adults are in critical condition.

-The people have had enough and protest!

-Police show up and want all White citizens to be tolerant and just accept the murder of their children.

-Suspect arrested and charged for murder

The Establishment – “C’mon. Just let them kill you. Prove you’re tolerant.”

And these sick traitors in their Freemason-lodge-checkered hats are just as bad as journos.

They dare to stand against these people?

Enemy of the people, they are.

Seeing them just stand their INFURIATES me!

Those ‘bobbies’ WILL reap what their sowing. Traitors!

The grieved protestors can be heard chanting:

“Allah, Allah, who the f*** is Allah?”

Here’s a vigil for the girls.







A friggin’ Muslim shows up later with a MACHETE, to kill those mourning the 3 murdered girls.

(Note: The post states “Asian man”, because in the UK, “Asian” typically refers to people from South Asia, including countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Though in the USA, we generally use the term to mean from China, Japan, Korea, etc.)

After that, a mosque was set on fire.


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