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Former Trump VP Finalists Allegedly In The Running For Crucial Cabinet Position

Two of Donald Trump’s finalists for vice president reportedly are in the running for secretary of state in a Trump administration.

The rumored candidates include:

  • Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)
  • North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum

According to reports, Sens. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) and Tom Cotton (R-AR) are also in contention for the position.

Fox News reports:

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Gov. Doug Burgum, R-N.D., two of Trump’s former top candidates for vice president, are reportedly both being considered for secretary of state, Trump sources told Axios. Burgum was also noted as a potential contender for energy secretary.

According to the report, Sens. Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., and Tom Cotton, R-Ark., are also in the running for secretary of state.

Several other people close to Trump are reportedly being considered for positions in a potential Cabinet.

Top Trump adviser Susie Wiles is reportedly a top candidate for chief of staff.

Burgum previously said President Trump called him ‘Mr. Secretary’ on the phone call saying he was not selected as vice president.

Former VP Finalist Says Trump Called Him ‘Mr. Secretary’ On Call That He Wasn’t Running Mate

“Yes, he did do that. That’s how he opened up the call,” Burgum said.

“It’s generous of him to think that way,” he added.

“Is there a Cabinet position you’re interested in?” CBS Evening News anchor Norah O’Donnell asked.

Commerce and energy were two Cabinet positions mentioned in the interview as possible spots for Burgum.


Per Axios:

Also in contention: Sen. Bill Hagerty of Tennessee, who was Trump's former ambassador to Japan and occasional golf partner.

Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas, a former Army officer who has been an unwavering Trump advocate and confidant, would rather be secretary of defense. But he's also on the list for secretary of state. Trump likes him because he's tough. And he's deft at "speaking Trump" on TV, including Sunday shows, one adviser said.

Susie Wiles, the campaign's co-manager, wants White House chief of staff — and likely would get the job if she pushes for it.

But Trump wants a chief of staff who knows Washington and congressional landmines. So advisers see former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy as a top Wiles alternative.

"Trump has not yet confirmed any of the Cabinet appointments for a second administration if he wins the upcoming 2024 election," Fox News noted.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at 100 Percent Fed Up.

View the original article here.


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