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FACT-CHECK: Did President Trump Really Say “I’m Not a Christian”?

Ok folks, time for a little common sense test….

A clip is going viral online claiming that President Trump just said “I’m not a Christian.”

But let’s take a moment to deploy some common sense….do you really think President Trump just went Turning Point USA Faith Conference, which is a predominantly Christian gathering and just randomly decided to say “I’m not a Christian”?

Does that make any sense?

I’ll break it all down for you more below but first just watch for yourself:

Full video player here:

This version of the video is actually really interesting because it has two different sets of captions on it, and each one says something different!

Watch the captions in the small print near the bottom and then watch the captions in the larger font up above.

They each say something different:

So, let me explain what’s really going on here…..

This is almost like the old White/Gold or Blue/Black dress, remember that?

One group of people saw one thing, another group saw something else.

And both sides were absolutely convinced of what they heard!

In this case, it all comes down to what the brain is expecting to hear.

Test this out, it’s wild….

Alex Jones explains it perfectly in this video below, but basically if you’re reading text that says one thing while he is talking, you’ll hear that thing.

If you read text that says the other phrase while he’s talking, your brain will hear that other phrase.

Watch this as Alex Jones explains it, then scroll down and we’ll test it out together:

Ok, now let’s test it out together.

Here is Test 1 — I want you to hit play on the video below and read the quote I’ve typed out below.  Take note of what you hear.

Then we do Test 2.

This is the exact same video I just uploaded again, but I put different text.

Hit play on this one and read this text and take note of what you hear:

Crazy, right?

So what did he truly say?

Let’s go back to the beginning when I asked you what you think is most likely.

I’m 100% convinced he said “I’m a Christian” but he kind slurs the words together a bit so it’s more like “Immmma Christian”.

That’s what I hear.

If you think that’s crazy, I’ve actually got an even crazier one for you.

Check this one out below….just changing which phrase you are reading will make you hear EIGHT different phrases!

It’s crazy!

It’s The New White-Gold Dress: What Do You Hear?

Ready for a fun one?

Remember two years ago when everyone on the Internet was talking about the white or blue dress?

This picture divided the internet:

Was it black and blue…or…white and gold?

I’m guessing you see one of those options right know and can’t imagine how anyone could see the opposite choice.

And yet they did.

Split 50/50, people swore they saw what they saw and it didn’t seem possible someone else (the other 50% of the world) could see exactly opposite colors.

As I type this right now, I see white and gold.

Curious what you see?

The reason I bring it up is because we have the new version.

Check this out:

Backup video here:

Crazy right?

Did it work for you?

I could hear every single one depending on which I focused on.

I think “That is Embarrassing” is the original, but I can hear every single one!

Want one more?

There’s also this one, which is equally freaky!

This is a 6 second video that I’ve probably watched 30 times (and NO pervs, not for the “Hooters Girl”).

I’ve watched it 30 times because I keep switching which word I am reading and without fail I hear a different word each time I switch!

Try it for yourself:

Backup here:

I’d love to know if it worked for you!

Leave me a comment below.

And if any brainiac out there knows how this is possible, leave a comment about that too


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