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The Weary Prophet — Can You Relate?

You may have noticed we didn’t get our normal Sunday Gospel message posted yesterday, but a day late is better than never!

Please continue to pray for our good friend Pastor Robb who had to miss this week due to surgery and ongoing health concerns.

In his place is his wife Pam Goodman, who more than held down the fort while he was away!

From Pastor Robb:

Good day to all of the We Love Trumpers out there. My wife taught this message in my absence because I had surgery on my artery that goes down into my right leg. The surgery was on Friday and it went very well. I’ve dealt with diabetes since I was very young, and I’ve had a lot of complications from it.

My wife was kind enough to put this message together for me. I believe that this message will encourage you. Do you ever feel like, when are all this problems going to stop?

Yes, I believe that we all have felt that way. The government has caused so many problems for all of us, who are just trying to get by from week to week. Our economy is in a  disastrous state now because of the policies of the democrats and the Rino Republicans.  I never thought that I would see things get this bad.

Oh but I must say, this if you put your trust in the Lord and His Word you will triumph in His victory. I pray that this message will truly bless you and strengthen your heart. 

Also, please pray every day for President Trump! We are all putting our faith in God’s protection over him and his family. Please make sure that you get out and vote on November the 5th! It’s right around the corner.

Love & Blessings,
Pastor Robb & Pam Goodman.
Sr. Pastor’s of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA.

Watch here:


GOSPEL MESSAGE: Justice Will Come, Declares the LORD!

Our Gospel Message for today comes to us from our good friend Pastor Robb Goodman.

And the title is very appropriate for the season we are heading into: Justice Will Come!

The title of today’s message is, “Justice Will Come, The Lord Declares!” 

What is real Justice from the Lord? How will it come to the earth?

Many Americans are asking the same question about our government.  Will President Trump bring true justice to America?

The courts and the crooked justice system has been a real joke.

But, the Lord is not laughing. True righteousness and justice will come. We will study many scriptures that will reveal to us what real justice is like.

Will you be in the Millenial Kingdom for 1,000 years?I sure hope that you will.

I am praying for every follower of Noah’s We Love Trump.

Also please pray every day for President Trump! Thank you.

Please email me if there is anything that I  can pray about for you.

Love & Blessings,
Pastor Robb Goodman
Sr. Pastor of Zion Freedom Fellowship USA

zionfreedomfellowship (at) gmail (dot) com

Watch here:



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