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President Trump Finally Reveals True Thoughts About the Secret Service’s Failures

Hey, even though an assassin’s bullet clipped his ear, President Trump is a man who respects the people assigned to protect him. But…

President Trump is also a man who demands competent people working under him – especially when his life is on the line!

This brings us to this fascinating interview between President Trump and Fox News’ Laura Ingrahm (the first 1:39 are about the Secret Service, then it’s about the FBI whose post-shooting behavior demands its own article…)

As usual, you can see how clever President Trump is being here. He first praises the Secret Service but then goes into the more than well-deserved critique of their failure to secure the roof the assassin fired from, let alone their inability to spot him – when numerous rally attendees did – before he got into position to try and kill President Trump.

To go a bit deeper, let’s look at this article for The Hill which overviews what the Senate Judciary and the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs commitees are planning in their hearing tomorrow with Ronald Rowe, the new acting director of the Secret Service and FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate:

Senators on both sides of the aisle said they would press for new information on what Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), a member of both panels, labeled a “litany of gaps and failures.”

“There are monumental, critical questions that so far the leadership in these agencies have failed to answer [or] even to begin to respond to,” Blumenthal said.

Among those, according to Blumenthal: the motive of the shooter, how he had access to the building and roof he shot from, the failure to stop him after authorities were alerted that he was carrying suspicious equipment and why the roof was not occupied by the Secret Service.

“It’s the systematic failure,” he said.

“Facts, the truth, some responsibility from those who were in charge,” Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), who sits on both committees, told The Hill about what he hopes to hear. “This is an incredible security failure … We need some straight answers tomorrow.”

Hawley added that the message members sent Rowe during the Thursday briefing was a blunt one.

“You’d better be forthcoming on Tuesday,” Hawley said, adding that if Rowe deflects answers, “it’s going to be very unpleasant for him.”

But here’s the thing, whether or not Rowe plays ball (he probably won’t), President Trump has a big concern with the people assigned to protect him.  Afterall it’s still a long ways ‘till November 5th and President Trump’s got a big bunch of rallies to hold…

Meanwhile, check this out, it’s an ABC News exclusive of an on-site SWAT officer saying he had no communication with the Secret Service until AFTER President Trump was shot…

And one more kicker about the Secret Service – interesting how Biden manages to command the S.S.’s full attention…


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