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Elon Musk Cites To “Professor Suggon Deeznutz”

You just have to love Elon Musk!

Where would we be without Elon purchasing Twitter?

A VERY different world, that’s for sure.

Because Twitter seems to be the one sole place online where the truth can be told and not censored.

And “parody” is still allowed.

Exhibit A: Elon Musk posted a hilarious parody video about Kamala Harris yesterday.

It was an OBVIOUS parody, using a bad voice-over of her voice and a ridiculous script.

But it was hilarious, and like I always say, it was funny because the best comedy is always rooted in truth.

It’s not funny to parody something that has no basis in reality.

What IS funny is when you parody something because it’s already so ridiculous in real life that your parody of it only draws more attention to the obvious character flaws and does so in a humorous way!

But the Far-Left can’t have that.

The Far-Left HATES comedy and HATES parody because it exposes them for who they truly are.

Plus….I truly believe they simply have no sense of humor.  Most on the Far-Left have lost all basic elements of humanity.

And that’s exactly why Gavin Newsom posted he was going to sign a new Bill into law OUTLAWING parody in California!

Leave it to Elon to have the perfect repsonse.

QUOTE:  “I checked with renowned world authority, Professor Suggon Deeznuts, and he said parody is legal in America.”

Seriously folks, where would we be without Elon and Twitter right now?

I’ll tell you where: in the authoritative hellish State of California.

Do you want that for your future?

I don’t.

We are very close to losing our country and only a few people (Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Vivek, JD Vance, Kari Lake, Tucker Carlson, etc.) stand in the way….taking the final stand.

We pray they succeed.

We are doing our part here as well.

Here is the original Kamala Harris parody video in case you haven’t seen it:

WATCH: The BEST Kamala Harris Ad You Will See – “This Is Amazing,” Elon Musk Says

A brilliant ad parody showcasing Kamala Harris has gone viral on social media.

The epic video, created by YouTuber known as Mr. Reagan, was shared by Elon Musk.

At the time of writing, the ad parody has 123 million views on X.

“This is amazing,” Musk said.


Read the transcript:

“I, Kamal Harris, am your Democrat candidate for President because Joe Biden finally exposed his senility of debate. Thanks, Joe.

I was selected because I am the ultimate diversity hire. I’m both a woman and a person of color. So if you criticize anything I say, you’re both sexist and racist.

I may not know the first thing about running the country, but remember, that’s a good thing if you’re a deep state puppet. I had four years under the tutelage of the ultimate deep state puppet, a wonderful mentor, Joe Biden. Joe taught me rule number one, carefully hide your total incompetence.

I take insignificant things and I discuss them as if they’re significant. And I believe that exploring the significance of the insignificant is in itself significant. Talking about the significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. ‘So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time, and there is such great significance to the passage of time.’

And Another trick is trying to sound black. I pretend to celebrate Kwanza, and in my speeches, I always do my best Barack Obama impression. ‘So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.’

And okay, look, maybe my work addressing the root causes of the border crisis were catastrophic, but my knowledge of international politics is truly shocking. ‘The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic of North Korea. It is an alliance that is strong and enduring.’

Just remember, when voting this November, it is important to see what can be unburdened by what has been. And by what has been, I mean, Joe Biden. If you think the country went to s*** over the past four years, you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

“Thanks to Elon Musk for the tweet! Kamala Harris just posted her first 2024 presidential campaign ad. It’s clean and professional. It’s very well done. So, of course, I had to produce a parody,” Mr Reagan wrote.

Here’s a YouTube backup of the Ad PARODY:


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