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BRAND NEW Trump Assassination Video + Leaked Text Messages From Counter-Snipers RELEASED!

“…Truth will out. Yes?” – Mr. Arthur Weasley

Indeed, it will.

And it seems more truth comes out by the day.

Today is no exception.

We have a NEW video that was recorded on the grounds while Trump was speaking.

We also have some leaked text messages.

They confirm Crooks had eyes on him a full 90 minutes before the murder attempt.

Collin reports:

BREAKING: Leaked messages between countersn*pers reveal they were aware of Thomas Crooks about 90 minutes before Trump was nearly assas*inated. One of the countersnipers was reportedly leaving at the end of his shift when he noticed Crooks. “Someone followed our lead and snuck in and parked by our cars just so you know. I’m just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up there,” a text chat obtained by the New York Times read. “Kid learning around building we are in. AGR I believe it is. I did see him with a range finder looking towards stage. FYI. If you wanna notify SS sn*pers to look out. I lost sight of him,” a text in the group chat said which is when the photo of Crooks was shared.

This is totally normal, right?

Door open, indeed, Mr. Rugg.

“Calling all MK Ultra snippers, door is open.”

And here’s the NEW VIDEO:


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