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Fan Furious: Women’s Grand Prix Cycle Winners Aren’t Women

And the winners of the WOMEN’S grand prix cycle race goes to…

Henry, Jimmy and Jordan.

Because dudes can totally pretend to be women now and steal trophies from them.

How is this still going on?

Why are women still playing along?

It’s the same ol’ story.

An average male athlete turns ‘trans’ and suddenly he’s crushing it in the women’s division.

This time, they stole all 3 of the top positions.

The Gateway Pundit reports:

This is the future a Kamala Harris regime envisions even as the candidate vows to protect women from ‘evil’ conservatives.

The Daily Mail reported earlier this week that Transgender (bio Males) swept the board in a 1-2-3 finish at a prestigious women’s cycle race over the weekend called the Madison at Washington’s Marymoor Grand Prix. The race occurred on July 19 in Redmond, Washington, at the Jerry Baker Memorial Velodrome.

This marks the first time trans “women” are known to have had a place on every podium spot in a cycling race. The two-person teams featured one biological woman racing with a biological male.

Jordan Lothrop took the gold, having previously competed against fellow men in his native Canada last year.

Second place went to Jenna (Jimmy) Lingwood, who raced as a male until 2017. He is now a member of the Oregon-based women’s cyclocross squad Team S&M, according to the Mail.

Eva Lin, who used to race as Henry Lin for San Jose State University’s men’s team, finished third.

The people aren’t happy about this:

What a delicate little flower those three men are. It’s not like science shows that they have a physical advantage over the women.


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