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Perry Stone: A Prophetic Message For Donald Trump

I don’t cover Perry Stone too much around here, but I have from time to time over the years.

And this one just crossed my computer and I thought it was really good so I wanted to share it with you.

It might not be what you expect either.

Please watch here or scroll down for an easy-to-read transcript:


I thank you for joining me on my YouTube channel, UPF Front. I want to make a statement. God has showed me over the years, as some of you that have followed our ministry are aware of, events that happened nationally many years before they ever occurred. I will not rehash those; you can go back through the history of our ministry and discover those.

Usually, every year of a political election, there’s some type of a word that I receive about that election. What was odd was in 2020, I received absolutely no word whatsoever about what was going to happen that particular year. People would ask me, “Who’s going to win?” I said, “I have no idea.” I’m not one of those persons that just predicts something or goes out there and says, “The Lord said,” unless I really know that the spirit of God has put it in my heart.

I’m going to read something to you that is a message for Donald Trump. He may never watch this or see this, but I want you to be aware of this. Now, I wrote this in this book, and I want to give you the actual date when the book was written: first edition 2021. So this was written about one year after the 2020 election. In chapter 10 of this book, there are statements made, and the title of that statement is “The Rise of the Trump Stump.” Now, I could go through and tell you the story, but I want to read some of what was written several years ago.

First thing that you need to understand is in our ministry, we study cycles, biblical numbers and their meanings, Hebrew and Greek words, and we study patterns. We know that Solomon wrote that the thing which has been is that which shall be, and that which has been done is that which shall be done. So one of the things I love to do is go back into biblical history, sometimes secular history, and show you events that are absolutely repeating themselves.

When Trump lost the election in 2020, a lot of people were talking about election interference or illegal election. That’s not what I want to deal with. What I want to deal with is a pattern that I found in Scripture that I wrote about in 2021 that appears to be repeating itself, and it has to do with the king by the name of King Nebuchadnezzar. I ran this information by one of President Trump’s very dear ministry friends, and the person said to me, “Perry, that is the word for right now.” That’s why I want to share it with you, not so that someone could say, “Perry Stone said,” because I don’t believe Perry Stone said. I believe that the Lord already knew what was going to happen and had a plan, and this is what I want to discuss.

Now, there will be one part of this that’ll be controversial with some of you, but that won’t be the first time I’ve ever said something that’s controversial with people.

So what is the return of the Trump stump? This is what I want to read to you, and this is on page 127:

As I have written, the patterns of ancient Babel and Babylon are currently converging on America and the world. Nimrod—Genesis 11, by the way—represents politics of control, globalism, and dictatorial powers. In Babylon, or in the Babylonian system, the true God was rejected as men viewed themselves as little gods. However, King Nebuchadnezzar put Babylon first, making his empire the envy of the world. He was known as the greatest king of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. He was known for rebuilding much of Babylon and restoring it to what was known as its former glory. Although Nebuchadnezzar was not considered a religious man, he surrounded himself and his inner circle with a few strong Jewish believers, chiefly Daniel. The ancient king was an expert on money and economics, on international trade, and he permitted four Jewish young men who were all believers in the true God into his administration. The entire world was afraid of his armies, as the king would use them to stop any rebellion or any uprising. Nebuchadnezzar was, quote, the Trump of his day.

Now watch this carefully as I read this:

Both men built an empire. Before becoming president, Donald Trump had built the Trump empire, which included 13 five-star hotels, 17 golf courses in America and abroad, and real estate deals worth $823,000,000. Trump’s main office complex in New York was called Trump Towers. It’s a 58-floor, 644-foot-tall skyscraper serving as the headquarters for the Trump organization. The reason I bring that out is Genesis 11 speaks of the Tower of Babel, which was a part of ancient Babylon. As president, using business principles and leverage, he canceled bad trade deals, rewrote them to help America benefit. He was the first U.S. president to challenge China in a trade war. His son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is Jewish and sat with Trump during closed-door meetings as an advisor to the president. Jared’s grandparents were Holocaust survivors that moved to the United States in 1949. Jared was the primary negotiator for the Middle East agreements. He would be similar—and all I’m doing is talking about parallels here, don’t get all worked up with what I’m saying; some of you will get worked up, calm down, get your blood pressure down—he would be similar to Daniel in the Nebuchadnezzar story. In Babylon, Daniel had three male companions. Jared and Ivanka Trump have three children.

Okay, now we can get into a lot of the parallels here, but here’s what I want to get into that’s interesting:

At the height of his power, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a great tree. An angel came down and cut the tree down but left the stump in the earth. The angel was told to pass around the tree seven times but leave the stump. We find out what that meant. Here’s what it meant: King Nebuchadnezzar was a major world empire leader, but he had one issue that was a weakness—he had a lot of pride. When he had the dream, he called Daniel in, and Daniel said, “King, the tree is your kingdom; it’s everything you’ve got. You’re known, people depend on you, you’re wealthy, you’ve built an empire. But God is going to permit there to be a cutting down, an apparent cutting down of what you have done, but there’s going to be seven times pass around you, and the stump remain in the earth.” What happened in Nebuchadnezzar’s case was, one year later, he was on a balcony talking about all the great things he had done, and something happened in his mind, and he was driven among men, separated from his kingdom for seven years—that was the seven times. But after the seven times concluded, something happened, and it was so dramatic when he came to himself that he became a believer in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, or a believer in Daniel’s God. He began to give God all the glory for his life and all of his accomplishments, and he was returned—oddly enough, the first person in history to be returned back to his position where everything was different during his second reign.

Now, when I wrote this—and I’m going to give you the abbreviated version because this goes on for pages, and there’s no way that I could read the pages; I mean, it just keeps on going—but my prediction was this: that the Lord had allowed President Trump to be removed, and there was going to be a great humbling of him, as there was with Nebuchadnezzar. What are the seven times passing by? If you begin to think about all of the legal problems that he’s had, you can count seven of them. Then there comes an end or a conclusion of the seven, and I believe the assassination attempt may have been the seventh one. But at the end of the seventh one, the angel says, “Leave the stump in the earth, and the tree will begin to grow back.”

I do believe what I’m about to tell you, and I do believe it is a word for President Trump. There are things that happen in our lives that we do not understand. God always looks at the heart when men look at the outward appearance. When God wants to use a person but He sees that there are flaws that could be a problem later down the road, sometimes He allows very strange circumstances, negative circumstances, dangerous circumstances to come into their life to bring them to a point of a face-to-face confrontation with the Almighty God. Many times, after crises, after disasters, and after a lot of personal things happen to you, your spirit and your heart become humble before God.

And there’s a statement that I made here that I want to read if I can find it. And this is the statement, and I believe this is a statement for former President Trump, who may be soon to come President Trump:

“Be humble before God but be strong before men. Be humble before God but be strong before men.”

I want to say this: that I do believe that this pattern of King Nebuchadnezzar does fit President Trump. And if it does—and let me say up front, when you’re a minister such as myself and you preach cycles of history that repeat themselves, you preach patterns of prophecy, which we have done for years. And a lot of people—and I’m grateful for this—take our material and they rehash it and redo it publicly for other people. Nothing wrong with that; I’m grateful for that, and God gets the glory anyway because the insight comes from Him.

But I want to say to you that what I do believe with all of my heart is that the seven levels of trouble that former President Trump has experienced when he’s been out of office—now remember, Nebuchadnezzar was taken from his kingdom, taken from everything he knew that he was comfortable with, and was separated from men. That’s what the people have tried to do that have attacked him. They’ve tried to separate him from the Trump Empire, from Trump Towers, from Mar-a-Lago. They tried to separate him from his income, from his money. They tried to divide the nation. But guess what? If the stump—if the Trump stump—well, that sounds good, the Trump stump—if the Trump stump has remained in the earth, and folks, it’s obvious that it has, then he will prophetically return. But he’ll return a different man. He won’t be the same Trump of the four years. Now, that does not mean that he won’t be strong before men, be a negotiator, do the right thing, but it means he will be a much more humbled man and a man that understands, “God preserved me for a purpose.”

Now, time will tell if these patterns come to pass. And again, I only give you this because I believe it is a pattern, and we will see. We’ll see by the end of November or the first week of November if he returns to the presidency, if the pattern that I’ve shared with you has come to pass. But I do believe that history does repeat itself, for the book of Ecclesiastes said, “The thing which has been is that which shall be, and that which has been done is that which shall be done.” So I believe that this scripture from the book of Daniel, the story from the book of Daniel, has a very strange kind of eerie parallel to Donald J. Trump.

And I just hope that you have received this in the spirit in which it’s been said. Secondly, I hope you will understand that if it comes to pass, that God knows all things and He sets up kings according to Daniel, and He takes down kings according to His will. And the third thing I will say to you is this: You and I have no idea what our nation is going to experience from 2024 to, let’s say, 2028. God only knows Himself, and God can, through prayer, preserve people and set them up in the position, knowing what is going to happen in the very near future.

And once again, I doubt that Donald Trump will ever see this particular teaching, but if he does, remember this, Mr. President: Stay very humble before the Almighty God but stay strong before men, and never, never give up what God Himself has put in your heart, and understand that there was a purpose and a reason that your life was spared, even as George Washington was many years ago during the French and Indian War, when bullets were fired into his vest and one Indian leader said he was a man born for the times, and even a bullet could not take him out. That was President George Washington and a statement made about him.

God bless you, and thank you for watching. If you’ve noticed on our YouTube channel, we take the comments off of YouTube because people get so hateful and so mean, and I don’t want my staff to have to take time to deal with belligerent people. But if you like the video, just give it a thumbs up, and you can subscribe to our channel because we have some amazing teaching that’s going to be coming on our YouTube channel in the days ahead. And if you keep watching, there’s a special product that we’d like to offer you. Thank you for joining me, and God bless you.


Please give me your undivided attention. Many months ago, I began to hear secular economists announce a new global reset was coming. That’s when I heard this phrase in my spirit: “The American apocalyptic reset.” For several weeks, I woke up early and began receiving a series of stunning prophetic downloads that I penned and now have placed them all in my brand new prophetic book, America’s Apocalyptic Reset. This book is a must-read for all Christians, for all of those who love Bible prophecy, for conservative Americans, and American patriots.

The 19 chapters go extremely deep into exposing the agenda now being secretly plotted and to be publicly forced upon us, the American people, and how we can counter it. I discovered some very stunning ancient prophetic parallels and patterns, some that go back 4,000 years, that are repeating themselves in the United States right now. I deal with the miracles, the great Babel reset, and the planned persecution of Christians, America’s self-curse that will eventually bring judgment upon the nation, the coming Jezebel clash, the woman who will be president, how we should react and wisely resist corrupt governments. I reveal the unique Silicon Valley parallels and also go into the plans to bankrupt then reset America economically. Also, I talk about how to function when the church must go underground.

I received a very unique revelation concerning President Trump and a pattern that’s found in history. There’s a chapter also that I deal with: “How Did the Prophets Get It Wrong?” and so much more. Ladies and gentlemen, this is probably the most significant prophetic book in the history of my ministry, especially in the time that we’re in. But that’s not all. I’m also including my most recent inside information prophetic briefing on two audio CDs. It’s 2 hours in length, and I will release detailed information that I cannot—and I want you to hear me—I cannot nor will I share this on social media or on television, as absolutely in the climate that we’re now in, a lot of this information would be targeted for being blocked and banned if it was made public and not done in this private setting that we’re doing it in. These two hours contain biblical, political, national, and international revelation and information that I am sure that many of you have not been aware of. It is for truth lovers only.

I want you to order right now this prophetic PHC resource package: my brand new book, The Apocalyptic Reset, and the 2-hour prophetic CDs by going online at or calling 1-888-2-BREAD or write me at Perry Stone, P.O. Box 3595, Cleveland, Tennessee 37320. Now, we’re making this available for your donation of $35 or more, and you can request the offer A-140. That’s A-140. I’m going to unmask the radical globalists and individuals who have set out to oppose and silence Christians, silence patriots, and shut the mouth of conservatives, and we will show you in the book what we can do when we unite together. We are looking forward to getting this into your hands.

If you enjoyed this YouTube content, there’s an important website you should know about: is an essential resource for the latest books, audiovisual presentations, and digital products from Perry Stone Ministries—resources that cover the same kinds of topics discussed in the program you just watched. Stop in and see all that’s available at

NEW PROPHETIC VISION: A Second Attempt On President Trump’s Life Is Incoming…

I’d like to show you a new video just posted by Troy Black.

I’ve covered Troy a few times here before, and in case you don’t know him he’s had a very accurate track record with what he’s posted in the past.

He goes through some of that history in the video below and he says he really wishes he were not publishing this new video but he has to speak out what God showed him.

And I’m going to help him get the message out.

I want you to watch the whole thing so I don’t summarize anything wrong or put my own spin or interpretation on it, and I’ll also post the full transcript down below.

But here’s a really quick and rough summary.

Troy says he was shown another attack on President Trump’s life is coming soon.

He says this one will be “closer” although not necessarily closer in terms of closer to death but perhaps closer in proximity?

Spoiler alert: he says he sees President Trump being “just fine” and not harmed.

He also seems perhaps a boy involved who plays some heroic role?

But there will be a second attempt on President Trump’s life and it sounds like it could happen soon — certainly between now and November.

There was one other part that also jumped out at me…

Early in the video he says the following: “Someone will emerge only to quickly drop down again.”

Who does that sound like?

It sounds EXACTLY like what I’ve been telling you.

I believe Kamala has made a deal where they will remove Biden from office, she will get to become the first “Black” (Indian?) Woman President and in exchange for going down in the history books (she loves going down) she will then withdraw from the Presidential Election to make way for the real candidate they want, which I still think it either Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom — or possibly Hillary Clinton.

Please watch here or scroll down to read the full transcript:

Backup here if needed:


Hey y’all, this is Troy. So, I was driving in my car the other day, coming back from the airport, and I was worshiping the Lord. The Holy Spirit began to speak to me, and I had to pull the car over into a parking lot. I began to write down what God showed me about Trump and a second attempt on his life.

I’ve heard a few different words about this nation and the political scene right now over the last several days. I’m going to share a couple of those briefly, but if you haven’t been keeping up with some of the words I’ve been sharing lately, we’ve been seeing one word after another come to pass. Trump’s conviction back in May or whenever that occurred—the Lord gave me a three-week timeline, literally three weeks to the day before that, of when something like that was going to happen. The word about Biden that I got about him getting a lot of pressure to drop out and then continuously pushing back—God gave me that word before any of that began to happen. Now we’re seeing the fallout of that, where he’s officially dropping out. He’s finally crumbled under the weight of that pressure.

A lot of these things God’s been prophesying ahead of time. I even saw an image of Obama looking over Biden’s shoulder from a news article this weekend. It was talking about how Biden was calling him a puppet master, and I got a very similar word to that. We even used a similar thumbnail where Obama was looking over Biden’s shoulder. I’ll put a link back to that word if you want to see the original. We’re seeing the Lord speak so clearly, time and time again.

I’ve shared two words that have to do with what happened to Trump and this attempt on his life recently. I’m going to put those links below as well if you want to watch the follow-up to some of those words that I received from the Lord. This word today is very interesting; it’s something I didn’t want to share. Even when I heard it, I was shocked and amazed that the Lord was even saying it. The presence of God was so real as I was sitting there in the car, and His voice was so clear. I knew I had to be obedient to what He was asking me to do.

Let me pray, and then I’m going to get started. I feel led to start with this other word that I got.

Holy Spirit, I just ask that you would speak very clearly today to every heart. For anybody watching who doesn’t know you, Jesus, as their Lord and Savior, that they would come to know you personally today. Holy Spirit, that you would reach out to hearts no matter where they are, that you would grab hold of their hearts and reveal Jesus to every single person listening. Thank you, Father, for your love. Thank you for your presence, Jesus. Amen.

Okay, so I heard this word on July 17th, before Biden officially dropped out. Obviously, we’re going to have to wait and see what happens next, who the nominee will be, and all that. I heard the Lord say, “Someone will emerge only to quickly drop down again.” He said, “A tainted system enlisting the help of the enemy, an outsider to get the job done, but it won’t go well for them.”

I am making an assumption here that this probably applies to the Democratic candidate. I don’t know for sure, so this may apply somewhere else, but I’m letting y’all know that’s my interpretation of it. What I heard the Lord say specifically was, “Someone will emerge only to quickly drop down again. A tainted system.” I’m going to leave that word on the table, and we’ll have to wait and see how that plays out.

On the 19th, two days later, I heard this word from the Lord that I believe is very encouraging for this nation right now and for anyone, no matter which nation you’re watching from. This is what God can do even in the midst of political turmoil or national chaos. We just saw the IT system failure happen a couple of days ago. I believe God prophesied that in advance, and I’ll put a link to that video as well if you want to watch the first half of a video we posted last month called “Unprecedented Events Are Coming a Month from Now.” The timeline on that was almost down to the day of a month from when I shared that.

Even in the midst of all this, this is what God can do. This is what I heard the Lord say on the 19th: “My fire is coming to a nation right now.” He’s not talking about judgment; He’s talking about revival fire. He said, “It’s going to spread across the earth. A national revival is at a breaking point, about to break out and stream forth if my people will consume the thoughts of God on a daily basis.” Then He said this, “What is your will?” is the question to ask, talking about what is God’s will. He said, “Not what can I do for myself or what can you do for me.”

A lot of us are asking, “Lord, what can I do for myself?” or “What can you do for me?” But God is saying if we’ll begin to ask this question, “Lord, what’s your will? What’s your will for this country? What’s your will for this situation? What’s your will for my life?” Not “This is what I want, Lord, now make it happen.” That’s where we often come from, but to really be a child is yes, to ask a loving parent for help or for what you need or even for what you want sometimes. But it’s also to take a step back and realize they are in control, and they know better than I do.

For some of us, I just sense this from the Holy Spirit. Even in the church, we have an authority problem right now, and the authority problem is not with our leaders—Christian leaders or pastors so much. The authority problem is between us and God, where we want to control what happens next by pleading with Him or by begging Him or whatever. The Lord is saying it’s not your will, my church, that ultimately needs to get done. It’s my will. This is where we need to be. We can ask, yes, we can pray, but then we need to take a step back like Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane and say, “But not my will be done, but your will. What do you want me to do based on your will, based on the leading of the Holy Spirit?”

What does it mean to consume the thoughts of God on a daily basis like He says here? Number one, Jesus said man does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God. Then He quotes Scripture to the devil in the wilderness. It means to read the word, to get into the word of God more than we’re listening to prophecy, more than we’re listening to pastors preach, more than we’re listening to public opinion, even if it’s Christian opinion, to center ourselves on the word of God and on the gospel message, which is the word of life. Number two is just like 1 Corinthians chapter 2 says, we have the mind of Christ as believers. To listen to the thoughts of God by just waiting upon God and listening to the Holy Spirit, He wants to speak to us with His still, small voice. He wants to lead us on a daily basis. Sometimes He’s going to say, “Yes, take a step of action here.” Other times He’s going to say, “Just stand still and see that I’m God. Wait for me.”

This is 2 Corinthians 5:21, the ESV. It says, “For our sake, He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” This is talking about what Jesus did for us at the cross, how He became sin for us, and He took the punishment for all of our sins so that we could become the righteousness of God. Many of us are looking for a savior or a saving moment or something to rise in this nation to bring us to victory here and now. Because we’re not dwelling on the thoughts of God, we’re not dwelling on the word and what the Holy Spirit is saying, we’re forgetting. We’re looking at the chaos and we’re forgetting Jesus has already won the victory at the cross. He’s already defeated the foe. The foe of sin is much greater and much larger in the scope of things than a political opponent or the direction a nation is heading. Jesus already defeated that foe at the cross. The largest, the biggest problem has already been solved.

When we start from that place, we start from a place of victory. Instead of looking at what the enemy is doing or what the world is doing, we’re looking at what God has already done. Because of what He’s done at the cross, what He can do through us now. We’re starting from a completely different place. We’re stepping out of a place of victory instead of fighting for it with what’s happening in the world today, thinking, “Well, this has to happen for the church to walk in victory.” No, it doesn’t. The only thing that needs to happen is for us to come back to the will of the Father, to be filled with the Spirit again, and to set our feet on the solid rock, which is Christ Himself. Everything else is going to have to line up with the victory of Jesus Christ today, and we must choose to line up with that and then move forward based on that freedom and that victory.

The Lord has led me to read a few verses out of Isaiah, but I’m going to share quickly about Trump, what I saw and what I heard. Then I’ll finish up by reading a few verses out of Isaiah that the Lord spoke to me about. I heard and saw this on the 18th of July. These words came on the 17th, 18th, and 19th, one after another. Then God spoke to me about Isaiah, I believe, on the 20th. Very interesting, the Lord was speaking over a series of days.

What I saw, I was driving the car, worshiping the Lord, and I began to see this vision from the Lord of Trump’s ear, from this attempt that happened. I saw this very vivid picture of the ear and the blood and everything. Then I heard the Lord say this, y’all, and listen, I’m sharing this not knowing everything that this means. I don’t have a full interpretation. I’m just sharing the word that I heard. There could be some symbolism involved. There could be some metaphor involved. This could be something that’s not up close and personal like it was last time. It could be something else, a plot uncovered, or something. I don’t know. I don’t claim to know.

This is what I heard: “It will happen once more. It’s going to happen again. This time will be closer than the first.” The impression I got was “closer” might not mean nearness to death; it might mean close in another way, as if it could be like physical locality or something like that. I don’t know. I don’t claim to have a full interpretation for that. It could mean closer to home; it hits closer to home. I don’t know. But I heard this phrase next: “A ‘shot’ will ring out.” Now, the Lord said “shot” with quotes. A “shot” will ring out. So that could represent something other than a physical shot, obviously. Then I heard, “Someone will attempt a second time.” Then I got this impression immediately that Trump’s going to be just fine. That’s the impression I got. I’m just going to share that as an impression from the Lord that he will survive; he’ll be just fine. So maybe this is something that won’t even play out in a physical sense, but maybe it will get uncovered ahead of time. I don’t know. But then I heard, “The same thing will happen again where someone attempts to shoot the president.” Very clear language there. Again, it could be metaphorical. I don’t know. I got this impression that I’m not sure how it relates or if it connects at all, but I had an impression of this phrase: “A local boy or a local hero being involved.” I don’t know exactly what that means necessarily.

Y’all, I’m going to stop and pray. We should be praying for our leaders, whether they are current presidents or not. We should be praying for our leaders, whether we like them or not. We should be praying for them. This is not a declaration. This is not something that I’m declaring over Trump or anything like that. It’s not something I want.

This is no time to relax or let up.

It’s a time to stay vigilant.


I have a somber but very important message to deliver right now.

This is no time for celebrations.

This race and this fight is far from over.

Even on November 6th, the fight will not be over.

Allow me to explain….

Yes, by the grace of God and his mighty right hand of protection, President Trump dodged an assassination attempt and he’s still with us.

But if you think it’s time to celebrate and claim “Trump just won the election” I have to bring you a somber warning….

Look, I get it, and I have been elated myself.

But the truth is, the people who took this shot against President Trump are not going to stop.

And no, I don’t buy the pure BS that it was some 20-year old kid who just snapped acting on his own.

I also don’t buy the new BS story that it was Iran.


Just stop with all of that nonsense.

We know exactly what and who it was….people desperate to hang on to power.  Not only to hang on to power but desperate to avoid the justice that is coming to them if President Trump gets back in.

The proverbial rabid dogs backed into the corner of their cage.

They can and will strike again.

Probably multiple times.

In fact, as I’ve said many times since Sunday, the only surprise here is that this didn’t happen YEARS ago.

Probably God’s hand of protection again.

So here’s the deal folks…they will try again, probably multiple times if necessary both before AND after the Election.

Even if President Trump wins and gets elected, they will attempt to take him out every single day of that second term.


Explosions….both of his plane and of buildings he is in.

Speaking of his plane, Jovan Pulitzer was on my show today and it was a total BOMBSHELL stunner of an interview.  I’ll be posting the full thing soon, but one thing he told me is the “steer by wire” system in planes and whether it can be hacked and essentially “remote control a plane to a crash”.  Very scary.  Luckily he does not believe President Trump’s plane has that system.

But there are so many other methods, including another sniper, that they could deploy — and I believe will deploy.

So I’m asking everyone reading this to stop what you are doing and PRAY right now for President Trump’s safety:

I’m also asking you to make this a daily occurrence.

You can also join us here:

Prayer Chain For President Trump — Will You Please Join Us?

In fact, it's not just me being paranoid.

In addition to Jovan Pulitzer telling me the same thing on my show today, here is Alex Jones warning about it as well:

I also want to end this article with a reminder....

While the Far-Left constantly calls for President Trump's assassination, I want to remind everyone in our MAGA camp to keep level head.




We don't settle our disputes with violence.

Well, we did once RE: England, but that's a different topic.

But on that topic, briefly, I suppose it should be noted that the Declaration of Independence, on of our most hallowed National documents, does say this:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Are we still allowed to say that?

Is quoting from the Declaration of Independence still allowed in this Country?

Asking for a friend.

So other than that direct quote from the Declaration of Independence, I give you the following recommendation:

REMINDER: Stay Calm, We Do NOT Support Calls For Violence!

As we head into the 2024 election cycle, one thing seems certain: tensions are rising, the potential for J6-style FalseFlags are increasing, and the "Elites" would love nothing more than to lure a bunch of patriots into doing something stupid.  So I'm issuing this friendly reminder and echoing our wonderful President....remember these words: PEACEFULLY and PATRIOTICALLY!  Remain peaceful.  No violence.  Respect the Law.  Respect the Constitution!  

Keep your calm.

Keep your cool.

And keep your head on a swivel, because I'm starting to think they might try to stage another J6 soon.

You know, Team Khaki Pants.

So I want to be as clear as I can: we do not support violence.

We do support your Constitutionally-protected right to protest and assemble (seems like I've read something about that somewhere, maybe in the First Amendment?) but we must do so peacefully and lawfully.

So please allow me to reiterate this FULL Public Service Announcement...

I think you're going to like this one and I'd sure love to hear from you in the comments after you read it.

Our mission here at WLTReport is to research and print the truth, wherever we may find it.

The truth the MSM likes to ignore...

The truth the MSM likes to cover up...

The truth the MSM likes to twist.

We correct the record and just like a lion, we set truth free because it can defend itself.

So that's our mission.

NOTE: our mission does not and never has been to call for violence or to support violence.  

You may think it is absurd I even have to print that, and I would agree...

Of course, we are the people who constantly decried and called out all the violence, looting and burning down of cities during the summer of 2020.

That kind of behavior has NO PLACE in America.

So we want to be absolutely clear where we stand.

We also stand for the Constitution.

We stand for free and fair elections.

We stand for truth and justice.

Oh, and let me also clear this up...

While we stand for peace, justice and truth, here's what the Democrats stand for -- in their own words:

"Fight Like Hell" -- Democrats EXPOSED In Their Own Words

If President Trump can be impeached and indicted and persecuted and prosecuted over something as innocuous as saying "Fight like Hell", then perhaps it's time we look at the Dems?

Take a look at their own words?

Big thanks to my man Kyle Becker for posting this.

Exactly right sir!

If your argument is that Trump incited the Capitol riots because he said "fight like hell," you might want to watch this.

Be sure to be sitting down, because it will blow your mind.


That all sounds WILDLY violent to me, but that's not how we roll here.

Ok, so I hope we cleared that up, now you know where both camps stand.

One wildly violent, one peaceful.

One wants destruction, one wants peace, justice, truth and law & order.

You know which is which.

So in case there was any confusion or question out there, I hope this clears it up!

Your humble correspondent at your service!

BUT....A DISCLAIMER: I cannot be responsible for what God's Angel Army may choose to do.

Speaking of the Bible, there is a verse that says "As for me and my house..."

So that's what I can speak for -- Me (Noah) and my house (WLTReport).

I can't speak for God's Angel Army or what they may choose to do.

They kind of have a mind of their own and they don't tend listen much to what man wants to do.

What am I talking about?

Just this...

Just a little story taken right out of 2 Kings Chapter 6 from the Bible.

Do you know that story?

Perhaps you need to hear it right now.

I'll summarize...

Elisha is trapped in Dothan.

The King of Aram surrounded the city and Elisha's assistant panics thinking all is lost.  He thinks they have no way out.

And then Elisha says those famous words: "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."

To the person who is only looking in the physical, that looked to be 100% wrong.

To the people who are looking right now and thinking "nothing has ever happened", they think the all prayer and prophecies have been completely wrong.

But Elisha was looking in the spiritual world and he could see that although King Aram's armies were surrounding the city, there were actually Hosts Upon Hosts of Heavenly Angels surrounding the King.  Completely outmatched.  Horses and chariots of fire ridden by Angels filled the hills around the King's army!

And that, my friends, is where I believe we stand at this very moment.

I can see it, can you?

Read it here, I've bolded my favorite part:

Now the king of Aram was at war with Israel. After conferring with his officers, he said, “I will set up my camp in such and such a place.”

The man of God sent word to the king of Israel: “Beware of passing that place, because the Arameans are going down there.” 10 So the king of Israel checked on the place indicated by the man of God. Time and again Elisha warned the king, so that he was on his guard in such places.

11 This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers and demanded of them, “Tell me! Which of us is on the side of the king of Israel?”

12 “None of us, my lord the king,” said one of his officers, “but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the very words you speak in your bedroom.”

13 “Go, find out where he is,” the king ordered, “so I can send men and capture him.” The report came back: “He is in Dothan.” 14 Then he sent horses and chariots and a strong force there. They went by night and surrounded the city.

15 When the servant of the man of God got up and went out early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no, my lord! What shall we do?” the servant asked.

16 “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

17 And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.” Then the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

18 As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the Lord, “Strike this army with blindness.” So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked.

19 Elisha told them, “This is not the road and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are looking for.” And he led them to Samaria.

20 After they entered the city, Elisha said, “Lord, open the eyes of these men so they can see.” Then the Lord opened their eyes and they looked, and there they were, inside Samaria.

21 When the king of Israel saw them, he asked Elisha, “Shall I kill them, my father? Shall I kill them?”

22 “Do not kill them,” he answered. “Would you kill those you have captured with your own sword or bow? Set food and water before them so that they may eat and drink and then go back to their master.” 23 So he prepared a great feast for them, and after they had finished eating and drinking, he sent them away, and they returned to their master. So the bands from Aram stopped raiding Israel’s territory.

So there you go.

As for me and my house, we stand for truth, justice, the Constitution, freedom, liberty, free and fair elections, the American dream, life, liberty and the pursuit of justice...

...and we do not stand for, or call for, violence.  Period.

But as for the angels I see surrounding this country on its metaphorical hillsides -- I do not speak for them. 😊

If you want a little more on the angels, I give you this recent message from Tim Sheets:


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