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New Report Reveals Obama Threatened Biden With 25th Amendment

Pulitzer Prize winner Seymour Hersh has reported that Obama threatened Joe Biden with the 25th Amendment to get him to drop out of the 2024 presidential race.

Hersh, who has received awards for covering the Vietnam War, Watergate, Abu Ghraib, and more, reported that he received a report from a senior Washington official that Obama threatened Biden with the 25th amendment.

Hersh wrote that the senior official stated that Obama had said, “Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.”

The 25th Amendment states, “clarifies that the vice president becomes president if the president dies, resigns, or is removed from office through impeachment.”

A detailed account of Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 race has emerged, alleging high-level political maneuvering led by former President Obama.

The report by famed reporter Seymour Hersh suggests Biden’s cognitive decline became undeniable after a poor debate performance and a health incident in Las Vegas.

The article claims Obama threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment, pressuring Biden to step down.

It states that Democratic leaders—reportedly House Speaker Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Schumer, and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries—and major donors pushed for this change, with VP Harris positioned as the replacement candidate.

According to the source:

“Obama called Biden after breakfast and said, ‘Here’s the deal.

We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.'”

The piece portrays Obama as a key influencer in the process, suggesting Harris’s nomination may depend on her poll performance.

It also notes concerns about Harris’s engagement with intelligence briefings.

Per Biz Pac Review:

A new report addressed threats of the 25th Amendment and which former president may have been involved in wanting “to have control over who would be elected” — with “Kamala’s approval.”

For nearly six days during which he had suspended his re-election campaign, President Joe Biden was not seen from by the American people. While the White House physician provided updates on treatment for COVID, a new report from investigative journalist Seymour Hersh gave credence to claims of a campaign coup as he detailed how former President Barack Obama was “deeply involved” in changing the ticket.

Writing on his website, the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who’d covered the Vietnam War, Watergate, Abu Ghraib and more explained, “I went over [reports] this week with a senior official in Washington who helped me fashion an account of a White House in complete disarray.”

Following Biden’s abrupt departure from Nevada July 17, Hersh’s report suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris was on board with leaning on Biden to step out of the race or be forced out of office. He further detailed that a senior Washington jobofficial had said a call from Obama to Biden during breakfast the day before he dropped out included the statement.

Per The Post Millenial:

A new Substack out from Seymour Hersch indicates that former President Barack Obama and VP Kamala Harris, now presumptive Democrat nominee for president, threatened sitting President Joe Biden with the potential invocation of the 25th Amendment if he didn’t drop out the presidential race and cede that spot to the veep. This would mean that not only did they force Biden out of the race, but that the Democrats know full well that Biden isn’t fit to serve out the rest of his term, but are comfortable letting him continued as a figure head if it serves their efforts to retain power for the party.

Biden engaged in a debate with former President and GOP nominee for president Donald Trump on June 27. It was so bad that almost instantly Democrat leaders and pundits were looking for a way to get Biden off the ticket. They could see that there was very little chance that Biden, in his diminished state, coudl beat Trump at the ballot box. The party elite were aghast and worked hard both in public and private to oust Biden. While much of that played out in leaked rumor, speculation, it turns out, per Hersch, that what was going on behind the scenes was a kind of coup, complete with threats from the Obama Kamala team.

“By Saturday, July 20,” Hersch writes, “former President Barack Obama was deeply involved, and there was talk that he would place a call to Biden. It was not clear whether Biden had been examined or just what happened to him in Las Vegas. ‘The Big Three,’ the official said, referring to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, continued to be directly involved. ‘On Sunday morning,’ the official told me, with the approval of Pelosi and Schumer, ‘Obama called Biden after breakfast and said, ‘Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.’ The amendment provides that when the president is determined by the vice president and others to be unfit to carry out the powers and duties of his office, the vice president shall assume those duties.”


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