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A First: Trump Endorses Two Republican Representative Candidates In Same Race Primary Race

President Trump appears to like both Republican candidates in running in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District Republican primary.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump double-endorsed Abe Hamadeh and Blake Masters as they are set to go head-to-head in Arizona’s 8th Congressional Republican primary.

Trump, in a statement, wrote, “We have a very important Republican Primary Election on Tuesday for Arizona’s 8th Congressional District, with two spectacular America First Candidates.

He added, “Both Blake Masters and Abe Hamadeh have my Complete and Total Endorsement to be the next Congressman of Arizona’s 8th Congressional District.”

Per NBC News:

Former President Donald Trump endorsed two candidates in Arizona’s competitive Republican primary for the state’s 8th Congressional District in a Saturday-night Truth Social post. Trump previously only endorsed Abe Hamadeh but opted to double his endorsements and also support Blake Masters in the primary.

“We have a very important Republican Primary Election on Tuesday for Arizona’s 8th Congressional District, with two spectacular America First Candidates,” Trump wrote. “Both Blake Masters and Abe Hamadeh have my Complete and Total Endorsement to be the next Congressman of Arizona’s 8th Congressional District.”

Trump backed Masters in his previous race when he lost in the general election against incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly in 2022. In the current congressional race, Trump has ignored Masters, endorsing only Hamadeh until this weekend.

Trump previously said Hamadeh was “doing a really terrific job” and added during a campaign rally at a Phoenix megachurch in June that “his election was rigged the last time,” reiterating unfounded and unsubstantiated claims that election tampering was to blame for Hamadeh’s failed 2022 bid to become Arizona’s attorney general.

Per The Hill:

Former President Trump backed off a prior endorsement in a hotly contested Arizona House primary on Sunday, opting to give his “complete and total” support to both candidates.

Trump previously endorsed Abe Hamadeh for the Arizona 8th District GOP primary against Blake Masters — both of whom ran unsuccessful statewide races in 2022 — but hedged his bets by throwing his weight behind Masters as well in a Truth Social post early Sunday.
Trump said there are “two spectacular America First Candidates” in the race, listing compliments for both Masters and Hamadeh.

“They will both be spectacular, and I’m pleased to announce that both Blake Masters and Abe Hamadeh have my Complete and Total Endorsement to be the next Congressman of Arizona’s 8th Congressional District,” he continued. “THEY WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!”
Hamadeh and Masters have become bitter rivals since once running for office together in 2022, Hamadeh for attorney general and Masters for Senate.


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