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Olympics Opening Ceremony MOCKS Christianity, Then Forces Twitter To Take Down All Posts — Where’s Elon?

Things are going VERY badly over in Paris at the Olympics.

Last night during the Opening Ceremony, Twitter was flooded with images and videos showing how evil and demonic and outright hostile the events were towards Christianity.

Absolutely disgusting stuff.

But evil was being exposed!

That’s how you do it….you shine LIGHT on the darkness and let the light expose and eradicate the evil.

And the people who created all these evil rituals knew it was going very badly for them so what did they do?

They went on a legal rampage, sending DMCA takedown notices to Twitter (X) demanding that all videos be taken down.

That’s when you know it’s gone horribly wrong….when the evil ritual you staged at the Olympics is SO BAD and being trashed so much online that your only hope is to take it down so no one else will see it again.

Big names on Twitter have been posting all morning about the takedown notices they received:

The notices basically tell them they have to agree to delete the posts, and if they don’t delete them they’ll be locked out of their accounts forever.

And if they do it again, their accounts will be deleted.

This is not proper use of copyright.

These were FAIR USE posts, provided with commentary.

That’s the whole point of fair use!

The takedown notices are not about copyright, but rather about trying to stop the commentary about these evil and Satanic “ceremonies”:

And Satanic is exactly what they were….

Even the laser light show had to make the image of the Baphomet/Lucifer/Satan:

This post is exactly right….

These are not “ceremonies” but rather RITUALS.

Rituals performed in front of MILLIONS:

Oh hey, they even got the Golden Calf, the Pale Horse and Drag Queens at the Last Supper!

What artistry!




I like what Liz Crokin wrote here:

Do not be discouraged by the abhorrent Satanic ritual the entire world just watched for the opening of the Olympics.

This was a massive red pill for the normies who believe people like myself and YOU are “crazy” for accurately stating the world is run by an elite group of pedophile Satanists.

Also, the ceremony highlighted a decapitated Marie Antoinette. She was the Queen of France who infamously told the peasants: Let them eat cake!

Now what was her fate? She was executed for treason.

Make no mistake: What Satan has meant for evil; God will use for good.

As disgusting as this entire blatantly Satanic performance was, I find high irony they chose to highlight Antoinette who, I will say it again, was executed for treason!

This is incredibly symbolic in a very bad way for [them] that WILL bite them in the ass very soon.

God will NOT be mocked!

So, thank you — you incredibly foolish & arrogant cabal Satanists for putting your evil on full display. It’s undoubtedly waking up countless normies. This will only help prep them and the world for what’s coming: Treason’s Greetings!

You fucked around, now you find out.

Keep the faith and remember — Nothing can stop what’s coming, period!

Nic Sortor gets it…..

The Olympic Committee is scrambling, desperately trying to “memory hole” these videos.

Don’t let them:

Perhaps this will help it all make sense…..

Get it now?

6 6 6 6 6

Meanwhile, everyone is asking: WHERE IS ELON MUSK?

Elon, are you going to stand by and allow this?

You know these are not valid DMCA notices.

The Fair Use exception allows for using small, short clips together with commentary.

These posts were valid and should not have been taken down!

Here’s to hoping Elon Musk is just distracted and will once again step in to make things right.

Where would we be right now without Elon purchasing Twitter?


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