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Olympics Attempts To Hide Satanic Opening Ceremony After Massive Backlash

Less than a day after the opening ceremony for the 2024 Paris Olympic Games, the performances are now being erased from the internet in a desperate attempt to hide the anti-Christian imagery that was present.

Many users on social media began to notice that the official Olympics YouTube account had taken down the opening ceremony highlights video, something that had never happened before.

The ceremony itself featured extremely disrespectful performances against a global Christian audience, openly mocking the Lord through their drag queen The Last Supper performance.

Fox News reported:

In between listing all the countries participating in the Olympic Games, there have been several performances riffing on France’s history and culture, such as a headless Marie Antoinette, the last queen prior to being executed amid French Revolution, singing with her severed head in her hands sporting drag-style makeup. This was part of numerous drag queens that appeared to be a recurring theme throughout the ceremonies. Three drag queens were among the 10,000 torchbearers who relayed the Olympic flame as it started in Greece, passed through French territories and made its way to Paris.

One new display on Friday showed what appear to be numerous performers, including drag queens and a large woman in an aureole halo crown, parodying “The Last Supper,” a universally recognizable painting by renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci of Christ and his apostles.

Countless notable politicians and personalities have condemned the performance of the Olympics even having sponsor C Spire announce they would be pulling their ads in response to the hateful performance.

While those in charge may be desperate to erase mockery from the internet, the die has already been cast.

Removing the video from YouTube and running damage control cannot change that.


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