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MUST WATCH: Trump Reveals He Will FIRE SEC Chair On Day One!

President Trump gave a keynote speech at the 2024 Bitcoin Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, and was met with thunderous applause.

One of the highlights of Trump’s speech was when he stated he would fire Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler.

Trump told the packed-out crowd, “On day one, I will fire Gary Gensler and appoint a new SEC chairman.”

The crowd immediately responded with a standing ovation.

Take a look:

Here’s what Yahoo News reported:

Donald Trump said he would fire the Securities and Exchange Commission chair and pick crypto-friendly regulators if he returns to the White House in a bid to court virtual currency enthusiasts and harness the industry’s growing influence in the political arena.

“This afternoon, I’m laying out my plan to ensure that the United States will be the crypto capital of the planet and the Bitcoin superpower of the world and we’ll get it done,” Trump said at the Bitcoin Conference in Nashville on Saturday.

Trump said he would fire SEC Chair Gary Gensler, whose term is not up until 2026. If he wins the presidency, Trump would have significant sway over the top regulators for the burgeoning industry.

“We will have regulations, but from now on, the rules will be written by people who love your industry, not hate your industry,” Trump said.

He also pledged to form a crypto industry presidential advisory council, create a stablecoin framework, and called for a scale-back in enforcement.

The remarks are the latest demonstration of how the former president has embraced the technology and sought to position himself as an advocate for crypto interests.

Per Axios:

At Bitcoin 2024, former president Donald Trump said “On day one I will fire Gary Gensler,” and — when it got huge applause — he said it again, to even larger applause.

Gensler is the chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, which has been seen as hostile to the industry.

“America’s laws are too unclear, and too tough, and too angry and too stiff,” Trump told the annual gathering of bitcoiners.


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