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BREAKING: Paris Thrown into DARKNESS, God Responding To EVIL Olympics?

Seems our prayers of righteous indignation against the blasphemous Olympics has been heard.

They wanted to be like the Egyptians and worship golden idols? (There was a golden bull’s head on display. The symbology is blatant.)

And so, they get the Plague of Darkness as Paris loses electrical power.

Here’s Paris last night…with their gold ‘calf’.

(Yes, it’s a bull, not a calf. But it’s obvious what they’re trying to say if you tie it with all the other anti-Biblical imagery)

As the kids say these days, get wrecked Paris Olympics!

Most of the people reporting on this have the similar mindset that this is God responding to their open mockery.

I pray they lose BILLIONS.

I pray ALL Christian olympians walk away from the Paris Olympics and leave the judges scratching their heads why they didn’t show up to compete.

I pray the stadiums are empty.

I pray that God keeps messing up their olympic games.


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