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Paris Olympics Opening: You Guessed It – An Informercial For EVIL

I hesitated to write this article because, well, it’s all so tiresome.

I’m not surprised, I knew it would be bad.

I’m just tired of being right all the time.

Trannies (men doing womenface) mocking Jesus and showing off decapitated people. That’s what the Paris Olympics is about.

They just had their opening ceremony on Friday.

It seems the main themes were the same themes ‘woke’ Hollywood is clinging to:

Demoralization, Uglification and Cultural Marxism.

(Those are the specific terms behind the generic term ‘woke’)


The Establishment knows that anytime they have an event that will get millions and BILLIONS of eyeballs on it they think of 2 things….


They can’t help themselves but to capitalize on these events and turn them into an INFORMERCIAL for EVIL.

Their goal is to normalize this. And degrade the masses.

The whole opening ceremony was a demoralizing ritual, that mocked the people of France and mocked God.

And throw in an attempt to groom kids.

Yeah, the globalist won’t pass up an opportunity like this to recruit more into their web of evil.

I’m praying it all falls apart and backfires in their smug makeup-smeared faces.

This is our world, given to us from God the Father.

It’s not theirs. Take it back!

Remember when hosting the Olympics meant putting on a nationalist performance?

This is what France is about, apparently, these days:

Black women and trannies twerking.

And isn’t that blonde hair she’s wearing cultural appropriation?

Is she allowed to do that?


The people are sick and tired of this.

As long as these sick globalists are in charge, we won’t have anything nice.

Their END is long overdue.

Call them out and mock them.

And for people, like Collin, that don’t understand why people are ‘triggered’, I think I already explained it at the top.

Because it’s about normalizing this degenerate behavior.


It’s not about wearing extra makeup and funny bright clothing.

If that were so, then these drag queens would have no problem with women joining them and dressing up in exaggerated outfits and makeup, right?


Well, what do you know?

It turns out drag queens do have a problem with it.

Because it does exist. And its called AFAB.

That means A Female Assigned at Birth.

So these AFAB ‘drag queens’ are simply women that like to dress up in dramatic makeup and clothes.

But the degenerate drag queens hate it.

They can’t stand it when a woman does it. Because then it’s not mocking women, its a just a woman having fun wearing makeup. Their jealousy and hatred rises quickly around REAL beautiful woman.

They know deep down they could never compete with them.

And the ironic thing is, these women dressing up dramatically, they don’t want to perform for kids.

Only the male drag queens do. Funny how that is, eh?

So if women fully took over the drag scene, the ‘all age performances’ at schools and libraries would end. Ha!

RuPaul, the one responsible for making trans a huge thing, even admitted that it’s about:

‘Drag loses its sense of danger and its sense of irony once it’s not men doing it, because at its core it’s a social statement and a big f-you to male-dominated culture

There you have it.

Gay males doing drag is a big F-YOU to male culture.

And we’re supposed to just sit here and take it, or else we’re transphobic?


Forget that!

They’re straight-phobic, if anything.

Feel free to use that term.

Mock these people at every opportunity.

Oh yeah, and boycott this friggin’ clown olympics, this infomercial for evil.


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