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SEPT 11 ATTACK: Why Does Concealed Evidence Point to DEW Being Used?

“How the heck did I not notice that!?” – Me.

It’s time for another episode of unsolved mysteries with Winger.

Let’s begin.

Dr. Judy Wood.

Ever hear of her?

If there is ONE person that the Establishment wants to silence regarding 9/11, it would be her.

Ever hear about Hurricane Erin?

You mean you don’t remember the MASSIVE hurricane that was headed towards the NYC on the morning of September 11, 2001?


That’s odd.

Surely the news wouldn’t ignore that, would they?

Wouldn’t they want to warn the citizens of what was coming?

Why did the news suppress it?

Over the last FOUR YEARS, how much of what you have believed turned out to be false?

We’ve heard most of the alternatives to the 9/11 narrative (controlled demolitions and thermite bombings) so I’ll try to make this BOMBSHELL addition brief.

Those behind 9/11 knew some people would as questions.

So did they manufacture numerous alternatives to the truth?

Did they have gatekeepers in place? Diverting people from other evidence?

Compare the demolition of a building side-by-side with the Twin Towers.

I’ll attach one.

What do you notice? I’ll give you a hint…


#1 The Towers are destroyed BACKWARDS. From the top down.

#2 The Towers fall in a much more fluid manner.


It seems most truth movements have been infiltrated.

Which could explain why one Dr. Judy Wood got shunned and attacked when she came forth with her findings from her investigation.

She came out with an amazing documentary…..WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO.

Now, I’ve seen lots of documentaries, as I’m sure you have too. Especially over these last 4 years.

This one though…

I have to say that out of all that I’ve seen, there are 3 documentaries that have, hands down, changed my life and worldview forever.

This would be #3.

The other two will have to be shared at a later time. (You might not be ready for them, yet).

I thought I knew EVERYTHING about 9/11.


That is….until I watched WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO?

“Holy crap!” was my reaction while watching it. The second thought going through my mind was “How the heck did I not notice that!”

Watch clip #1:

It deals with…tech.

Tech that we didn’t even know existed at the time.

And it deals with a new term, a term that Dr. Judy had to create to explain what was happening. A term called dustification.

What if, at the right frequency, you could alter the structure of molecules?

What if you could alter the structure of molecules in metal?

What if that frequency could be aimed at target?

What if DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) have been in use loooong before we, the public, started noticing?

I’ll attach the FULL video below, along with some clips for those that may not have time to watch it all.

Check out clip #2:

For those curious about the Hurricane Erin, here’s the final sample clip:

WATCH the FULL mind blowing documentary, Where Did The Towers Go:


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