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Senator Grassley Releases Bodycam Footage: Officers Arriving At Roof During Trump’s Near-Assassination

Alright, so Senator Chuck Grassley just dropped some new police bodycam footage.

And this footage shows the moment when Secret Service and local Beaver County officers arrived on the same roof as Thomas Matthew Crooks.

Grassley’s demanding for detailed answers ASAP on security failures.

And he’s pushing for transparency, because, as he says, “TRANSPARENCY BRINGS ACCOUNTABILITY.”

So, it looks like we might be getting some more information about how this whole thing went down.

The truth won’t be concealed this time around.

The Gateway Pundit reports:

Senator Chuck Grassley has released new police bodycam footage that shows the moment when Secret Service and local Beaver County officers arrived on the roof where Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire on Trump and rallygoers.

Grassley wrote, “July 13 Bodycam footage provides more info than Secret Service will share with America We NEED detailed answers ASAP on security failures TRANSPARENCY BRINGS ACCOUNTABILITY.”

Grassley added that he obtained the video from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit in compliance with congressional requests.

At the beginning of the video, a local Beaver County officer can be heard saying that a sniper took multiple photos of Thomas Crooks before he opened fire on Trump and several supporters.

As The Gateway Pundit reported,

“At 5:14pm AGR sniper 1 took at least two pictures of Crooks (one of the pictures appears to show Crooks on his phone).”

At 5:28pm, AGR sniper 1 took a picture of a bicycle and backpack near the AGR building (it is unclear whether these items are associated with Crooks).


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