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GOING ON OFFENSE: President Trump Reportedly Planning To Sue Over “Equal Time Rule”

A new report claims President Trump plans to sue certain media outlets for violation of the “Equal Time Rule” when they broadcasted Biden’s speech last night:

BREAKING: Trump’s campaign has informed media outlets that they will be hearing from Trump’s lawyers for violating the Equal Time Rule when they broadcasted Biden’s campaign speech tonight

“Every single network that televised this campaign speech will be getting follow up letters from our attorneys regarding equal time.” –

The equal-time rule specifies that American radio and television broadcast stations must provide equivalent access to competing political candidates

Biden was clearly campaigning in his address to the nation tonight.

President Trump sure did post a lot of pictures of him watching the speech on his plane last night:

A lot of funny faces too.

What was REALLY interesting is Fox News’ Jesse Watters said President Trump was on “Air Force One”:

FOX NEWS: “President Trump Flying On Air Force One Today”


It's not the first time President Trump has taken aim at the Equal Time Rule:

It all comes down to whether the speech last night was a bona fide news event....or a thinly-veiled campaign event for Kamala:

President Trump seems to be going on the offensive a lot more recently, and I think it's a new trend you're going to see increase.

For 3.5 years, President Trump has sat back and allowed the Deep State to take every shot at him they wanted.

They all missed or failed.

Now I think you're about to see punch after punch after counterpunch coming back in their direction.

This was just from yesterday:

'$91.5 Million Heist': Trump Campaign Files FEC Complaint About Biden's 'Excessive Contribution' To Harris

Now that Joe Biden is out of the 2024 presidential race, he's put what remains of his political weight behind Vice President Kamala Harris.

More important than his endorsement, however, are the millions of dollars from his re-election campaign that have been shifted to the fledgling Harris campaign.

But Donald Trump is calling foul on the whole deal, as Newsmax reported:

The Trump campaign filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday, accusing Vice President Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden of violating campaign finance laws over the Democrat presumptive nominee receiving $91.5 million of Biden's war chest, The New York Times reported.

Trump campaign general counsel David Warrington filed the complaint, accusing Harris of a "$91.5 million dollar heist," according to the Times.

At issue for Trump's presidential campaign is that the money raised by Biden and rolled over to Harris constitutes an "excessive contribution," the Times reported. Harris received access to the funds when Biden's team amended the name of its presidential campaign committee, "Biden for President," to "Harris for President." However, Warrington argued, Harris is not yet the official nominee.

The politically incestuous arrangement has sparked significant pushback among various pundits.


Although Trump-appointed FEC Chair Sean Cooksey has his doubts regarding whether Harris is entitled to the Biden campaign's cash, Democrat-aligned officials are insisting that everything is on the up and up.

As The Hill reported:

“I think it’s really complicated, is the short answer,” Cooksey told “Morning Edition” on NPR. “What he’s attempting to do is to give his entire committee, the cash and all the assets, over to another person.”

“I think it’s gonna have to go through a process, through the FEC,” Cooksey added. “I expect, there’s probably going to be challenges to that at the agency, and probably in the courts as well.”

Democratic Commissioner Dara Lindenbaum, who chaired the commission last year, pushed back on the suggestion that Harris would not be able to access those funds.

“It’s quite clear, Vice President Harris can continue using the campaign committee and its funds,” Lindenbaum told The Hill.

Here's some additional debate about the issue:


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