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FBI Director Chris Wray Gets Grilled over Security Lapses in Trump’s Near-Assassination

So, FBI Director Chris Wray had to testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.

The topic was that whole attempted assassination of President Trump thing.

You know, when he got shot at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania?

Apparently, nobody’s really looking into how it was allowed to happen in the first place.

And as for Trump staying on stage instead of being rushed off, Wray admitted that his agency isn’t investigating why.

Wray’s basically saying, “C’mon guys. These things happen. I’m sure we’ll cover our tracks better during the next attempt.”

We all know it’s coming.

And God’s Hand will still be there to protect our President.


The Gateway Pundit reports:

FBI Director Chris Wray testified Wednesday morning in front of the House Judiciary Committee on the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump.

The 45th President and GOP nominee for president in 2024 was shot at his rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

The Secret Service, FBI, and local government officials allowed the young sniper to crawl up a roof and fire off several shots at President Trump before government snipers shot him dead.

During his testimony Chris Wray admitted that his agency was not investigating why President Trump was allowed on stage when the would-be assassin was identified near the building by government officials and on the roof before the shooting took place.

Wray made the comments during questioning by Rep. Dan Bishop.

Chris Wray admitted Crooks *fired off eight shots before he was killed.

*Technically it seems Wray said they “recovered 8 cartridges” not that Crooks fired 8 shots.


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