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FACT-CHECK: “Kamala Was Never Border Czar”

This is absolutely hilarious….

The Media’s lies are imploding in on themselves.

Desperate to distance Kamala Harris from the massively-failed border, they’re now claiming Kamala Harris was never the “Border Czar”.

Just like in Animal Farm, when the Pigs constantly try to re-write history, claiming “we never said that….you remember it wrong!”

The only difference here is we have the internet and it’s all written in ink!

How good is this?

This is the truth:


The Media has been used to being able to lie to us for DECADES and they’re not really sure what to do now that that’s no longer working.

They keep trying to just push the lies, but it’s failing miserably and they don’t know how to react and pivot.

So they just keep pushing and they just keep getting exposed.

This is so good!


Legacy Media Now Claiming THEIR OWN REPORTING Is Fake News

I love watching the Left eat their own.

Usually it involves one Far-Left group (like the Gays) clashing with another Far-Left group (like Free Palestine).

But today we get a real gem: today we get a Legacy Media news outlet claiming the news reporting about Kamala Harris is Fake News!

Which report do they take issue with?

Their own!

Absolutely classic, cue “Cacklin’ Kamala” because this one needs a big giant hyena laugh!

NEW: The media is now claiming VP Kamala Harris was never the ‘Border Czar’ as the Trump campaign starts ramping up attacks.

You don’t hate the media enough.

March 24, 2021: “Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis” – Axios.

July 24, 2024: “The Trump campaign and Republicans have tagged Harris repeatedly with the “border czar” title — which she never actually had.” – Axios.

The articles were written by the same ‘journalist,’ Stef Knight.

Yes, folks, you read that right….

They are now literally claiming their own words are fake!



Credit to Catturd who had a screenshot of the old Axios article which now contradicts the current Axios article.

You really have to laugh when you realize both articles were not only written by Axios….but by the SAME JOURNO!

What is it your mom always told you?

Tell the truth and you won’t have to remember when you’re lying?

I think perhaps most of the Far Left never heard that one….or never took it to heart.

Trust me when I tell you, you do not hate the Far Left Media enough.

They lie right to your face.


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